Heh heh. The article was written by a guy named TORCHinsky.
Heh heh. The article was written by a guy named TORCHinsky.
Bad news, bro, that is your Bronco...
It's highly gendered, which is a large part of the issue.
If it were phrased that way, I could support it. "Students are expected to dress in business casual or workplace appropriate attire."
As much as I detest Iggy Azalea (and god do I detest her) this whole sex tape debacle is not cool and Vivid should face legal action for soliciting a tape that was filmed without her knowledge (or consent) when she was still a legal minor.
stuck in the fat zoooooooooone where the prices are high end with h&m qualityyyyyy
Man, I would freaking LOVE to be able to spend a little more money on pieces that are higher quality and buy fewer of those pieces. But the problem is that cost =/= quality. It's extremely frustrating to order a $25 t-shirt from Everlane and see that it's just as sheer as the $10 one from Target.
My comment is very short, so I'm not sure how you missed it, but I obviously know she needs a modest look and said as much.
I feel like you can't really wear more than one Gap item at a time without looking like a Sunday school teacher.
We were taking bets on Defamer whether he was going to turn it into "Messiah" or "Pariah".
My thing is that Nicki is still skinny. The whole point of the big ass thing is that it's just the ass. Little in the middle is pointed out for a reason. In this context, skinny bitches still doesn't mean they want an a over fat girl out there.
You're right. Women of Color have a responsibility to make sure that they're seen as modest and ladylike, since they inhabit non-white and non-male. Because female modesty is in total opposition to patriarchy and has not been used to control what women do with their bodies. Cover up, ladies! /sarcasm
The ever so slight snarl is the cherry on top.
It's called acting; his first profession.
I think you mean Bey-sic.