Too bad for Terry that photoshop doesn't have a "remove rape" tool.
Too bad for Terry that photoshop doesn't have a "remove rape" tool.
As a forty-something black man who has a body eerily similar to Prince Fielder's in terms of girth, quads, calves and bulbous midsection I have to say I am impressed with the chutzpah it took to put said body on the cover of a national magazine (even one as terrible as ESPN the Magazine). I am so body self conscious…
It is a gorgeous cover - and his confidence in his skin makes it. As far as that belly goes, considering how muscular his core has to be to generate hitting torque, the guy isn't carrying around *that* much fat. Props to ESPN for choosing an unconventional-looking, yet elite, athlete for the cover!
I agree, posing for pictures SIGNIFICANTLY prevents the Rangers from winning ball games.
And what, pray tell, could he have been doing during this 2 hour (at max) photoshoot that would have impacted his team? This idea that "URGRGRGR if your not living the sport 24/7 your a joke!" bullshit has got to stop.
FFS bisexuality is a thing.
I mean. I'm gay and I would ALSO make out with Zac Efron's face. AS SHOULD EVERYONE.
I loved me some Will Smith back when he was acting and on the teevee, but OMG his offspring are insufferable.
She mad doe...
Ohhhh somebody is jealous.
Since the whole false equivalency bs pops up with every thighlight post, allow me to respond as if I were someone commenting on pics of objectified female celebs.
Every damn time there's a post about hot soccer players. Every damn time. People can't let us have this one thing. FIRST OF ALL. It's different to objectify men than to objectify women, because society doesn't reduce men to objects to the same extent that it reduces women to objects. When you say, "This man is hot"…
"Ultimately, Stewart can be upset, but the truth is she was caught nuzzling her then-marriedSnow White and the Huntsman director."
Joan Rivers is a bully, I don't find stuff she says funny and I can't remember a time I did. It's just ridiculous that she's made a career out of tearing people down and that she's celebrated because of it.