"Of course it was fair... if it hadn't been so, we would have held its passport for safety, provided it with a free bunk-share, and assigned it to work as a servant or laborer, with the other dark ones."
"Of course it was fair... if it hadn't been so, we would have held its passport for safety, provided it with a free bunk-share, and assigned it to work as a servant or laborer, with the other dark ones."
Liberal is conservative in the rest of the world. This is because liberals in the rest of the world defend radical economic liberalism, what you guys call libertarianism.
"Everyone had a fair chance to bribe FIFA officials"
Are you denying that her expression is a blank stare into the void of meaninglessness?
Antebellum is a pretty sounding word. But then, so is malaria...
"He explained that she's a lawyer and apparently she's across the sea somewhere working on a case, off saving the world. It was a shame because I would have liked to have met her."
I have a very visceral reaction to the idea that someone actually named their band "Lady Antebellum,"
Do tell us what she should have been wearing (since I assume you are calling her a whore because shes wearing a skirt and high heels) to meet your oh so elevated moral standards?
At least you arent calling her a whore for wearing a skirt like half of the assholes on here. Bravo!
... have to put up with lunkheads like you.
That wasn't the only hard white thing she took to the face that night.
Good foresight on her part to have front silicone fall protection installed.
Can we just stop and be impressed with that bro who glided in to help her up?! He's been training for years for this moment.
Later, she failed her concussion test when she couldn't answer basic questions like, "What's with that outfit?!"
Would you say Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard? (I am deeply sorry for writing this.)
Yes, cows do usually scamper when they have room enough to do so. Very little of this cow's behavior is really atypical (other than the owner allowing her to eat an inappropriate diet.) Cows can bond very strongly with people and other animals...they're intelligent animals with the same emotional capacity as a dog…
Why is it always white authors who are always looking to find hidden racism in media and declare how terrible it is? Sometimes it feels like white authors are trying to explain racism to the Black community and how offended people should be. Can you imagine how annoying it would be if men were always trying to tell…