
Every year the wife makes me, her, and our toddler son all one theme of outfit. This year we're Little Red Riding Hood (her), the Wolf (son), and the Hunter (me). She ordered her outfit online and man is it slutty. She doesn't seem to think it is a tad bit weird.

LOVE the idea of being a "passionate agnostic" about other people's business.

I had an epidural and formula fed my kids. BOOM.

Another thing to consider about death rates for c-section births is that c-sections are more likely to occur when there is already a risk factor in play. As the author notes, an "emergency c-section" is pretty much worst-case scenario because you're in the situation of having to do surgery in order to try and prevent

The fact that people can't tell if you're joking or not is fucking delightful.

THANK YOU! I have become a passionate agnostic on all issues relating pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and breastfeeding. Are you meeting your baby's basic physical and emotional needs? Are you not making yourself too crazy or miserable in the process? Well then, Congratulations! You're doing it right. And any

You know what else increases the risk of autism?

The one criticism I have heard about the rate of c-sections is that doctors are quicker to recommend them because they're quicker and more expensive, so the rise in c-sections could be in part due to concerns about hospital bottom lines and patient turnover, which, since c-sections are about three times more likely to

That's why I insisted that my wife have a completely natural, drug-free c-section.

I think we need an in-depth article about all kinds of birthing shits. As a (currently and probably permanently) childless woman, I wish someone would lift the veil on This Phenomenon of Which We Do Not Speak.

My birthing plan? Whatever gets the kid out of my damn body.

The "birthing experience" seemed like a means to an end: the end being a baby, who is awesome, and who I was very excited to meet.

Sometimes I'm sad if I hit an article to early and I see your comment pre- shitstorm. I prefer to binge read your comment thread like a netflix marathon rather than watching it unfold over a whole season. Keep up the good work Cassiebear.

Look at the image she posted.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've read that c-sections strongly increase the risk of autism.

Aside from the fact that this is fucking hideous, what really bothers me is that you can see her bra (in back) and everything she's wearing (including the bra) is aggressively neutral. Throw in a pop of color with your atrocious wardrobe choices, Kim!

All the money in the world can't protect you from the dreaded Toe of Camel.