
I am from SC. It is truly depressing that the people around me, that I assumed were ok people, are still, MAGA!! Here in the south it's an uphill battle but, to be sure, there are still those of us who shout, Bullshit! This sumbitch that has never had to work a day in his life has the audacity to degrade people that

The fact that we even have that much of a backlog for crimes of rape is unbelievable, however, not surprising. I'll say it again: if white men were experiencing this sort of violence, this shit would have done been fixed 

Yes I concur. The punishment for treason is death. If what he did ain't treason then I don't know what is. He wants to WIN (Murica) at any cost. Totally want to see his dumb ass executed or at least jailed. (Spoiled little rich boy could NEVER handle actual prison). Thoughts & prayers motherfucker.

Nope, do not want for Trump to die peacefully while in (stolen) office. I want for him to go to prison for election tampering and get a crash course in prison life. See what fellow prisoners will do, thoughts & prayers, motherfucker.

Of course this dumb sumbitch will make what’s supposed to be a bipartisan event all about himself. Just another piece of bullshit that nobody is going to do a fucking thing about. We had other presidents that shirked their duty to serve the country, but at least they had the good sense to not bring it up. Not this

Bone apple tea, lol. You go, lil nas X!! I had a cousin who was out & proud before his untimely death. Sure wish that he could be here now to see how far we've come.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, our elected officials will "respond" to the same shit coming out of this ignorant "president's" mouth. What will y'all DO about it?? Everything that comes out of his dumb ass mouth is more embarrassing to our country.

Yeah bitch, you're a schoolteacher? Not near rich enough to consider. When will the racist white trash realize that the Trump "presidency" does not give a shit about your feelings?!

Also, proud South Carolinian here. All them old backwards racists are dying off and we will be a majority blue state. For the first time, I do hear people in our area saying, This is not what SC is any longer. We are done following the Republicans blindly. This is our children's lives we're talking about. Mr. Harrison

I regret that I have but one star to give you for this. "We are PRO-LIFE, not anti-choice!!" Right up until you have a child that you cannot give a good life. Then it's "Why didn't you use those BOOTSTRAPS??" Us old white dudes can't help you, we don't even raise our own.

Everyone associated with this "administration" lies even when the truth would do. Want to know when any of them are lying for the sole purpose of protecting themselves or their "president"? Lips are moving.

This is nothing less than an armed invasion. I hope that this will turn out as the mayor hopes, but doubt it. These dumb ass white trash fuckers cannot wait to take out their frustration on anybody they know they can get away with. “Didn’t I just tell you I’m a very stable genius?!!”

Congresswoman Maxine Waters is coming after your fat ass. Thoughts and prayers. Bless your heart.

It's not about Harriet Tubman (she is a fine woman, many people say she's doing great things right now). It's about dismantling any possible thing that our last REAL president had anything to do with.

Here’s the rationale for this latest toddler tantrum... The Congress is doing their job! Therefore, I cannot do my job. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with a “president” not knowing what the fuck he is talking about in regards to infrastructure. By the way, one of the major campaign promises. Damn, ain’t all

Here’s the rationale for this latest toddler tantrum... The Congress is doing their job! Therefore, I cannot do my job. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with a “president” not knowing what the fuck he is talking about in regards to infrastructure. By the way, one of the major campaign promises. Damn, ain’t all

White lady from SC here - totally concur. I do not know what these dumb bitches that decided to vote for the pussy-grabber thought. This dude is going to "take care of working people" when he's never known an honest day's work in his life??  Yeah, thanks,  dumbass 53%, he's chipping away at our rights every damn day.

THIS. If you truly believe that ALL life is precious, what about the CHILDREN that fear someone can shoot up their school at any time? These sumbitches are all about the sanctity of life, until there's an actual child here. Pull those bootstraps up! Can't provide a decent life for this child? Tough shit.  This

The "Christian" extremists obviously do not read the Bible that they're supposed to be all gung-ho about. If you are a Christian, you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Y'all remember, that guy that said "he who is without sin should cast the first stone". Also, "Be sure to take care of the least among you".

Can't be stated enough. The Bible, Old and New Testament, does not condemn abortion. They both condemn rape. The back up for this plan to strip women of their bodily autonomy is not rooted in Biblical teachings. You can twist anything to fit your own agenda.