
No, she should have visited their little shitty town & explained, “hey, you know how presidents should act? The opposite of this dumb ass over here.”. Unfortunately, she trusted that her fellow Americans were NOT STUPID. Too much trust. A great many are in fact pretty damn stupid. BUT  HER EMAILS!!!

But they actually did. She had the popular vote. Putin wanted Dumb Ass in the Presidency & that’s what he got. As long as you tell him that his hair looks terrific, he’ll burn democracy down. He's got Daddy's money to fall back on, he doesn't give a shit.

I don't give a shit who gets the Democratic nomination. If it ain't Trump, I'm all in.

saying this ONE MORE TIME These sons of bitches are the EXACT same ones, that, once the kid is born, cannot spare a damn square to help people that need help to, like, feed the kids & take care of them. Once again, (old, white) men NEED to pass this, regardless of not knowing (or caring) how pregnancy actually works.

Truly. You come running up in my damned yard, my house, which we are paying our hard earned $$ for every payday, Fuck you on all the levels. Have something to back your claim up as to why you are even in my damned yard, otherwise, Fuck You & the horse you run your long ass in here on. We work too hard to be fucking

This officer felt that his life was threatened. That’s IT, all he needs. I, for one, do not like being worried for my safety. That is why I AM NOT A FUCKING COP.  It's literally in your job description. Ain't down with that? Don't go out of your way to become a cop.

Yes! Possible in most cases. I’ve. stated this before, but Wypipo here too. I’ve had to have the talk about how you ALWAYS obey cops because they CAN & WILL kill you. Can’t imagine trying to get through to them that.”no,honey, they really don’t give a f@ok about your life.” That’s why the KIDS will lead the way. They

Another member of wypipo here. Sue, sue, sue till you can't possibly sue any more. Be damn if I wouldn't be ALL over it.

Dread headed dognatcher named Reggie Que.... I am dying! I truly admire your work, Mr. Harriot. So proud that we've got actual factual geniuses coming up out of South Carolina.

I am a mid-fortiesh white woman in the South. Cops, as a general rule, LOVE us here. I had an interaction with cops a couple of weeks ago & I was scared shitless. I can’t imagine how someone explains to your sons that, “no, even if you do everything you’re supposed to do, police can still kill you with impunity.” Of

It's nothing about "pro-life", that just sounds a little better. Just as soon as these fetuses are actually born... Tough shit, you can't give this baby a decent life? All on you, they just want to make sure that old white dudes can continue to tell you what you can do with YOUR body & YOUR life.