Screw notes. I'd take the toilet seat right off and wait till she asked me where it had gone to to tell her "You keep pissing and bleeding all over it and it's grossing me out."
Screw notes. I'd take the toilet seat right off and wait till she asked me where it had gone to to tell her "You keep pissing and bleeding all over it and it's grossing me out."
Men in skirts. Mmm. I know it's weird, but I live in South Asia right now, and the longyis....yummmmm. There's a man who lives in the building next door and goes onto the rooftop in a longyi and no shirt sometimes. Let's just say my husband almost always gets action on those days.
GAWWWWWD. When he says "Fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave?" OWWWMYGAWWWD.
I can relate to your second paragraph. I stopped smoking with her because whenever she does, all she wants to do is sit on the couch, gorge on unhealthy food (and I'm trying to eat healthier) and watch tv. If I wanted to watch tv for hours I would just do that at home. And I think getting high is overrated. It's fun…
That movie's got something for everyone. Bowie, jailbait Jennifer Connelly.
Thank you! But I have to say that my attempt didn't get very far, unfortunately. Lack of interest on the public's part, lack of time/energy on mine. I was thinking of renewing the idea though, for my classmates at grad school.
You are awesome!
Regarding #3 on drugs- You must take care of your own sobriety and your baby first. If you're dragged back into drugs because of your friend's inability to stay clean (I know just being around to watch the process itself is a trigger for many users), you will lose your family, your baby and everything else that…
I also happen to know that the Miss Representation people are all about public screenings. I tried to organize one at my local library once and they were super helpful.
Letter Writer #3: If you jump into the pool with a drowning person, they might drown you, too. The best way you can help is to stay out of the water and toss her a life line.
I accidentally the meme.
"I can't even" is a thing. Like, you're so exasperated by the thing you can't even, that you can't even the sentence.
Does that help?
You just can't what? The title is incomplete and driving me nuts!
I like this comment so much.
Women wearing birkenstocks. College was a VERY frustrating time for me.
That doesn't even count as weird - everyone, male, female, in between, everyone is turned on by David Bowie in Labyrinth. It's, like, a fundamental truth of the universe. Water is wet, grass is green, and Jareth the Goblin King makes people feel funny things in the pants.
the movie Labyrinth, with David Bowie