Stainless steel also works on the smell from lady bits, for those very few times when you'd rather not smell like the one you love(d).
Stainless steel also works on the smell from lady bits, for those very few times when you'd rather not smell like the one you love(d).
I only check in on Jezebel when crosslinked to other Gawker media...but two pooping-ish articles in one day? Is that the norm? Once a day, and ideally at about the same time, sure.
That's a lot of pressure. How does Smokey even know me and what I'm capable of?
Isn't this him modeling her merchandise on her site? Here's the "hat" page (SFW).
Does anybody know if this will allow custom rows and columns as well as let you shrink icons in homescreen, app drawer, folders etc? I would also like it to be awesome. If anyone has any recommendations, let me know.
I live in the backwards state of which you speak. I just found out that my kids can't go to the in-district school 2 blocks from my home because the school is "full". It's more backwards here than anyone realizes. Our politicians, legislature, and governor are not helping in the slightest.
I vote we adopt an Aboriginal number system: 1, 2, 3, many.
60+ crosswinds? 60+ winds, maybe, but that's broken down to a straight line wind vector and a crosswind vector relative to the landing runway. A 60 mph crosswind component is neither safe nor possible (as limited by the aircraft's operating handbook (and presumably by the airline company's operating procedures)).
Was I the only one without a fake ID in high school that smoked grass?
I have 1000+ hours in the Cessna 400 series. There's a "Low Cabin Alt" light, but no depress alarm is needed. You'll feel rapid decompression. The trick is getting the O2 mask on in time.
I was going to [whizzzzzzzz-THUNK]...
Seems like a good gadget for those suffering from arthritis.
It is Boxing Day, isn't it.
Does anyone know...if I buy a Xoom w/o a contract, can I sign up for a data plan w/ another non-Verizon carrier (i.e. T-Mobile)? Someone that has more attractive data plan offerings?