
What’s needed aren’t some modest reforms or some tinkering around the edges: The USOC needs to be entirely overhauled or scrapped in its entirety.

Something this incredibly insignificant gives you a feeling that you would describe as “soul-crushing?”

The president’s tweets would be a lot more interesting if he used insults like these. Less “Crooked Hillary is BAD!”, more “Hillary Clinton’s brain is full of SPIDERS!

To be clear, a disturbing trend on this site has been to go HAM on white women, period. I am willing to criticize anyone when they deserve it. But there is a reflexive “Fuck white women” stance here that a lot of folks have taken, and I will never be comfortable with it.

That’s a tough one. Looks like you’ll just have to ALSO get married that day so neither friend can get mad at your for not attending their wedding. Congrats! 

It must be terrible to be a shy guy and now have the world talking about your weird laugh.  No matter how famous.

yet the owners scoffed at the idea of a celery cap.

That’s funny—I do a dirty back-in move with your wife all the time, too.

I think you meant to say “liberals will most certainly feel saddened by this due to their ability to empathize.”

Yes, he was definitely a pejorative slur used against women.

Could you imagine?

Maybe trying to be the anti-Rovell? Like he wanted to talk about this story but didn’t want it to turn into some sort of ad for either company?

I notice he also elegantly avoided naming Nike by name. IMO, Giri is the most talented writer here, so I suspect this was done intentionally. Maybe a quiet crusade to not support big business? Not sure, but the man doesn’t miss much.

She voted for Hillary, but not in an enthusiastic way. That’s what justifies physical violence for you!?

You’re blaming someone who voted for Hillary but had the gall to not think she was the perfect candidate? Really? You’re not, like, blaming the people who voted for someone else or maybe those who didn’t even vote at all? Seems totes reasonable!

Because she voted for Hillary?


Go fuck yourself. 

Oddly enough, that also resulted in ripping all the skin off your knuckles. 

It's called allegory pal; it helps amplify his point, rather than resort to hollow jargon. But go on, find something to nitpick so you can establish yourself as the most informed white male (trademark).