YouTube user Attika has Legos, and is clearly not afraid to use them. In the past year, Attika has posted videos of…
YouTube user Attika has Legos, and is clearly not afraid to use them. In the past year, Attika has posted videos of…
First impression: Overall the car isn’t bad, those chrome wheel arches appear to be the worst part and are easily removed.
Second impression: Whoa, that hood is the worst part about this car. I wouldn’t want to drive around with it but it’d be funny to hang on a wall.
Third impression: Ugh, too much blue loom on the…
Jesus Christ dude the Ferrari was already burned.
Extremely rare? I’d call that extremely well done.
That was my first motorcycle and was a great starter motorcycle. A couple of years later moved to a Ninja ZX-6.
This has popped up on a few facebook pages and forums, I guess the seller is a bit of a known shady dude. Buyer be ware for sure on this one.
Bought by first bike two years ago. 2008 Ninja 650r. Paid 3k for it. It’s sitting outside of work right now while I’m online looking for a quicker bike for myself.
I can’t believe not everyone does this. Buy a sub-300cc bike first, they ALL go for <$2,500. Find one with a few battles scars (so you don’t have to worry about messing up your first bike). Sell it in 6 months for $2,500,????,Profit
This. I have a set of 3/8 drive allen sockets and use my 1/4" impact to put them in. I can assembly furniture in probably a quarter of the time vs using hand tools.
Or less
D.B. Pooper
Did a 12V on my Willys MB when I was 19 years old. Used the stock starter, it just spun twice as fast. Just modified a Ford alternator (hacked the mount to fit) and used a 12V regulator. Probably ran new wire. That’s how I remember it at least, over 30 years ago. Oh, and 12V battery of course. Maybe a new starter…
Is there an easy to find 12v starter that will fit? With some decent fabbing any alternator could be made to fit...
Did you know that the Z3 engine bay was designed that ANY BMW engine of that era would fit in it? You could probably and easily put one of those % series V8s on it and call it a day.