This is almost reminiscent of the B029/L023 cars
This is almost reminiscent of the B029/L023 cars
Or you can just get creative...
Does that front suspension articulate at all?
Plan B:
They had me until “$750,000". Then they lost me. Massively.
See, makes sense!
This was a ‘35 Chevy done up to be like a dirt track car. I seriously would drive the shit out of it if it were mine. 33x18.5R15 tires if I remember correctly.
My mistake, that was the movie 200MPH.
What about the first one where an RX7 turned into a 240Z because it got stolen?
Considering that Obama ordered Trump staffers’ phones tapped by said intel community before the voting even started...
I actually can find tires reasonably close to that range. As tractor floatation tires.
What about the 3 Bs, Bang, BBQ, Brewskis.
Pffft, 911s are Bougois bugs! Corvairs are where it’s at!