Demon-Xanth knows how to operate a street.

Straight body. I can see $6k worth of fun to be had.

Flatter than a flyover state!

Or you can do what I did to a USB cable to let an mp3 player charge without going into PC link mode and simply pry up and tear off the inner tabs on a USB cable, turning it into charge only.

So basically a 4-53T or a 4-71?

Can I propose naming it MIA?

Steps to getting an update for a carrier locked phone:

Towed probably an 8000Lb trailer cross country with my 02 Dakota. Trailer brakes worked when I left the house. Didn’t somewhere around Nevada. In Ohio the weather was good and we were going to stop early for the final push into Virginia. Saw the truck ahead of me slowing down, I slowed down, turned out he came to a

Not a race car, but in 1993 I found a BMW key in the heater ducts of our ‘78 GMC pickup that we had owned since 1984. BMWs weren’t so common then.

Ford had the Tudor and the Fordor. Guess which one is in this picture!

In 2001 I bought a brand new Dakota for $19,470. A month ago I bought a 9 year old regular cab ram for $15,000. What is common? The amount of income I bring home each paycheck.

Honestly, they should be customizable, skinnable, and be able to show the various sensor readings that the PCM has. Akin to the Torque app for Android. That way you can make the display show what is important to you in a way that you like.

There was always debate on who the best NFL team was, but it was always clear who was #2!

Giving up is what GM did in the 60s. They sent from innovators to being content with cheap crap.

With the way the system is, you can win five races, and get 43rd for the other 32 races, and still win.

I think it comes from the difficulty in properly valuing the older cars. A Bugatti pulled out of a lake fetched far more than a perfect Yenko stinger could ever dream. And a little bit of rust can take a car down 80% without being seen by an untrained eye. And that doesn’t even mention the difference between very

Here’s the thing most people don’t realize...

Camaro tail lights can be seen.