What ever happened to SUVs having simple iconic designs?
That's what happens when you design cars around pieces instead of pieces around cars.
The ranges I've been seeing are in the 900-950 range this season.
Some of the NASCAR cup cars have been close pushing 950HP. Though they're planning to drag them away from that a little next year.
400A=GM TH400 equipped
But with a 400A Ferrari will break even on the first tuneup.
Ferrari should've just traded him a 400A for the site and called it "Ferrari gives a fan a Ferrari for starting a fan site!"
California cops can do some moving too...
It depends on the situation. Get out of your car if it's safe to do so and there's a good place to go to. If traffic is thick and people are slamming every couple of seconds, stay put until there's a break.
Selling stuff these days is absolutely insane due to the large number of regulations. If you want nuts, look up REACH. It's a list of 151 things that you have to prove aren't in your products in order to sell to Europe. But wait! They update the list every six months to add more stuff to it. So it's only going to be…
How about a Merlin powered '55 Chevy:
Oh, I saw the point and went well past it. Because big shiphorn in a small car.
This Scion XB: