Demon-Xanth knows how to operate a street.

Browse justrolledinto the shop, all but one heater core thread involves removing the entire interior of the car. The Boxster seemed to be the worst so far.

Now playing

A rotary engine has the engine spin and the crank stationary while a radial does the opposite.

The Ferrari 312T8 was made to throw the competitors off the trail, as March and Tyrell were working on 6 wheel cars at the time:

Air France 139:

Corvair did it:


Sounds about the right response.

Dear Fuelshark:

4.7+5 speeds were about on par performance wise, and more fun :)


As a Jimmie Johnson fan...

Man, I hate racing at Daytona. It's just three hours of hoping your favorite driver doesn't wreck and hoping the Busch brothers don't get seriously injured.

I had a 40-50 year old lady do that to me once.

Not anymore.

Pickup trucks. Torquey engine, light rear end, durable driveline.