
Sous Vide is a dish best served at 140 deg. F.

Perhaps he took the 'coming between 12 and 5' promise a little too seriously.

She only 'turned away' when confronted with a man exposing himself in her living room? If a dude is whipping it out, you don't 'turn away,' you get the fuck out.

It's a little bit different than Katrina. Your victims were spread out over a wide area and they passed at different times over the course of a few days, while the WTC's victims were all in one place and passed in a matter of minutes. You also had a chance to bury your deceased. They did not. Well, I guess,

Cutesy ads that attempt to titillate by talking about nudity and nakedness without actually showing anything is an entirely different universe than showing penis in vagina. In the past, Peta may have be aggressive about getting their message out, and, at times, acted a little wacky, but they always had enough of a

Reproduction is how the genetically disadvantaged balance power with the advantaged. In other words, "You may be smarter, but there's three of me." Put one more way "I'll show you my tits, if you give me your seed."

Really? For me, that photo extended my masturbatory hiatus. I'm fine with fat guys in clown make-up, but that's some seriously scary vagina right there. Forget the condom, I'd need a hazmat suit to hit that.

MDMA is very non sexual. Any association with sex is just a myth that Hollywood has attempted to propagate. If you want to have great sex, you do coke, not MDMA. The bliss you experience is very childlike, very innocent. It takes you back to a time when you weren't aware of how shitty people are. You look around

Maybe I wouldn't classify this as a safety issue, but I was incredibly spacey for about a month after taking MDMA. And this would happen every time I took it. No supplements made any difference. The damage wasn't permanent, but, for that month, my brain was not functioning to capacity. For a month, pretty much all I

Overkill. You really can't top MX Missiles (Shrooms and MDMA). That is one delicious state of being.

There's a reason why humans consume foods that spoil. If mother nature can break food down, our own bodies can break it down and utilize it's nutrients as well. Preservatives can and do impact bioavailability.

They can 'change qualifications' from now until the cows come home but it won't change the fact that solar power will never be viable in the commercial automobile market. Directing great minds towards something as trivial as solar powered cars is a tremendous disservice to humanity. Standford, get your dick out of

The psychology of having a baby and adopting one are entirely different. Adoption has a huge altruistic component. You're not just raising a child, you're 'rescuing' it. If someone is out to rescue a child, they're going to gravitate towards the gender that's at a disadvantage in most of the developing world.

Toss your salad AND toss your salad!

Burn the heretic! Who cares about proof?! How dare you prevent me from feeling good about myself for atoning for my ecological sins?! How DARE you?! I'm a SINNER, Gore damn it! I left the light on the other day and the guilt is just KILLING me! I MUST have blind faith, the alternative is unSPEAKABLE!

I know! A little too trim to qualify as 'badonkadonk' but definitely, a strong 'badinkidink.'

Arizona police are conservative?!?!

It could be Marlow or it could be someone else. There's a few plausible theories floating around. I think most experts would agree, though, that the guy history knows as Shakespeare didn't write the books, so testing his bones would be a futile gesture- unless, of course, it was to lend credence to the theories that