
That's not exactly right. Hollis Doyle hired Becky to kill Quinn's boyfriend. The other 4 Defiance conspirators were not involved in that. To this day, I don't know if Mellie even knows about it. After the explosion, Olivia and Verna teamed up to save Quinn from being the fall girl for it.

She wanted her father dead because she thought he killed Vargas on his own. Once she realized he was forced into it she didn't want him dead, because she felt (and Huck was insisting) that he had changed. But as we saw in 612, he is still just as toxic as ever, and she really needs to cut him loose. Keep him alive,

I care. I'm still rooting for them. Hopefully this time they will be able to actually make it work. They have a lot going for them that they didn't before. Although the reunion felt a little rushed, which has me worried that it's just another ratings ploy before Shonda closes that door for good.

Let me put it this way. If someone had bribed the electors into voting for Hillary I wouldn't have complained. Although she had much more of a legit claim to it than Mellie because she won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes.

I think that's how Cyrus has always been, actually. Remember in episode 4 of this season when he said "I'm a monster but I'm your monster." He attaches himself to politicians he really believes in and is willing to go to extremes to protect them because he believes in them.

It wasn't really Jake's place to stick up for Liv in front of everyone during the confrontation with Rowan. But it also wasn't his place to start interrogating Liv about when she started sleeping with Fitz again and give her relationship advice she didn't ask for, especially in the middle of a crisis when she is

If you bailed on the show why do you waste time commenting about it?

I don't disagree, but I can see why seeing that video would change Liv's attitude. I think Huck of all people believing Rowan had changed and deserved forgiveness influenced Liv a lot.

To be honest, at the time I saw it as Fitz being a little creepy and controlling, but things he has said and done subsequently have made me rethink it, because he obviously never stopped loving her even if he was angry (and he had a right to be angry). I think subconsciously he might have been punishing her but not

I might run too, but I have heard of instances where men did that to surprise their girlfriends and show them that they were serious about moving forward w/the relationship and the woman was happy about it. I give you that Fitz gravely misjudged Liv if he thought she would be happy about it, but I do think he was

When has Fitz ever been violent with Olivia or publicly humiliated her? Arguably she has done both to him.

I'm sorry, but when has Fitz ever hit Olivia?

I agree with you re. degrees of abuse, but I do not think Fitz was abusive to Olivia at all. He adores her. The only time he did anything that maybe you could consider abusive is the way he treated her in 2x14. But I don't really see it as abuse because she chose to have sex with him when it was obvious he was still

I think in real life, most people struggle throughout life to find themselves at all ages. Most people are on a journey. So I don't see why you are so bothered by Liv being on a journey too. Especially with such shitty parents and with everything that has happened to her, I think it's understandable that for all the

I was getting sick of Dark Olivia, but she's definitely trying to find her old self and do the right thing again. She's been more and more loveable the past 3 episodes, even if she still has her moments of acting entitled. She was willing to not only give up the Oval but go to jail for something she didn't do, not

It didn't work entirely. It kept her father safe but it did not save Mellie from being elected president under duress. Liv getting arrested might have done that. And damn, she is brave for being willing to take the fall. In 6x04 she seemed so hypocritical when she said to Cyrus "at some point the bill becomes due,"

Cyrus said that in 5x07 or the beginning of 5x08, before Fitz had her moved in. That said, I don't think his motives for moving her in were as sinister as some people think. I think he was angry with her and didn't trust her but still wanted to hang on, and wanted to show her that he wasn't pushing her away like he

I agree that what Fitz did in 5x08 was a shitty move, but to call him an abuser is way over the top and trivializes what actual abuse is. I think he was worried about her safety (although they never really explained that), and he was also angry with her but didn't want to push her away like he had after Defiance, so

Olivia didn't pay off Tom. Peus and ponytail lady paid him in Olivia's name to act as an insurance policy framing her for the murder if she tried to help exonerate Cyrus.

She asked Huck to kill her father because she didn't know he was acting under duress and thought he was back to his old ways. Once she realized that her father had changed and only killed Frankie because he was forced to, she wants to protect him. That part makes sense.