
That was in 6x11. But he said "I'd lose you, forever" if she went to jail, not "I earned you forever."

What really doesn't make sense is how she could wear her heart on her sleeve more than she ever has in 6 seasons 1 minute and then turn so dark the same day. The Olivia who cried at the thought of Fitz becoming command because she didn't want to see him ruined and then ran up and kissed him in front of the whole world

When did he say "I earned you forever"? I don't remember that.

I don't think it was quite that calculated on her part. I think she was mad that her father tried to use Fitz that way and so she talked him out of it to protect him. I don't think she was planning to reconstitute it herself until later. What Fitz said to her about people undermining him and trying to take power from

I hope you are wrong about never being able to root for Liv again. I'm not sure her motives are as sinister as some people seem to think, and either way, I remain hopeful that she will eventually see the light again.

That's not true. He was a big help when Liv was being dragged through the mud after her affair was made public. He helped to turn the tables and call out the media for their racist, sexist coverage of the scandal.

In fairness, Olivia has been trying for most of the season to put the white hat back on. In a flashback in 606 she stopped Rowan from rigging the election. In 611 she tried to help Cyrus win over the electors, which would have meant giving up the Oval. I think part of her motivation for that was realizing what a trap

I see your point, but overall I liked the episode. In fairness to Shonda, she originally planned for Russian hackers/intelligence agents to be behind the Vargas assassination, and filmed the first 5 episodes when that was the game plan. But then they had to change everything after the election because it hit too close

I think Cyrus let her out of prison at the end of season 4, which was part of why Fitz fired him (mostly the firing was because Cyrus had Olivia arrested - ask Angela how well that works out for you ). I know Cyrus was trying to stop Liv, Jake, David and Rowan from outing B613 but can't remember how Mama Pope factored

Apparently. One of many political things they screwed up. The whole Defiance plot was ridiculous, because it would have netted Fitz about 6-8,000 votes in a state with over 1 million votes. Hardly enough to guarantee a win. Also, they had him lose in the AU by almost the same number of votes he won by, which does not

Please do start watching. At least watch this Thursday's episode. If we can make the ratings spike when they have Olitz in the promo it will send a message. And even if the promo is bait and switch, you still get to enjoy what looks like a pretty hot Olitz reunion scene.

Cheyenne, I know you have stopped watching but please watch live next week. If they get a ratings boost from promos like that it will send the message that fans want more Olitz. If it's a bait and switch, you don't have to keep watching after the switch. But you might as well enjoy some hot Olitz sex while it lasts!

You should start watching again. I think. There's definitely hope for Olitz right now but it doesn't feel solid yet.

Exactly. Which is why I feel like despite how often Jake professes to be in love with Liv, I think he really just wants to win her from Fitz and prove to her that he is better for her than Fitz. He probably thinks he loves her, but it has always felt to me like it was about the mission of wooing her for him.

Fitz had nothing to do with Defiance. And he is no longer an illegitimate president, because he was re-elected in his own right in season 3.

She probably learned about Becky later. I don't think she was part of the Cytron plot, since she helped Liv save Quinn and called Hollis out for freelancing.

In 609-611 it felt like they were bringing Liv back to the person we used to root for. Now I'm not sure anymore.

Except Rowan was way off base here. Sometimes what he says is the truth even if you don't want to admit it. But what he said in this episode was ridiculous. When has Liv ever been just a "cheap roll in the hay" for Fitz? Even his ex-wife knows Liv is so much more than that to him. And I really don't think he had any

These people had the president elect assassinated. They are bad news.

I loved that conversation. It showed that unlike in the past, Fitz is secure in knowing that Liv loves him even though it may not always seem like it to us.