
Fitz was not "ok" with Abby committing treason. He was sympathetic because she was tricked into it unwittingly, and then found herself in a horrible position trying to get out and deal with the damage she caused. In some ways, it is similar to the situation he found himself in having to do horrible things to help

Of course this reality could not be the foundation for the show, although I find myself curious enough about what's next in that reality to write fanfiction about it. But the point was to enable Liv to take stock of her life and the choices she made and what could have been if she'd made different choices in order to

That is one way to look at the AU. The other way to look at it is as a sign of hope for Olivia & Fitz, paving the pathway for an eventual reunion where they start over and finally have the chance to build a real, healthier relationship. Olivia seeing that they could have made things work in the alternate universe, and

I agree that Marcus was a bit too central, although I could not disagree more about Jake. I was SO glad he had a minimal role. Instead of Fitz accusing Liv of sleeping with Marcus, which made no sense, a better way to set up that argument would have been if Olivia, after being turned away from the White House, turned

I just realized, the 100th episode could be foreshadowing them as a political team, with Mellie as Cyrus' VP. Didn't think of it that way until now.

Several of the people who ran Kerry's campaign are still pretty big players in Washington today. Ted Devine helped run Bernie's campaign in 2016, and I think Bob Shrum is still active as well. But I agree that losing takes a toll on a political operative's reputation, although how big of a toll depends on whether the

Actually, I thought they ended up in pretty different places, unlike Sliding Doors. Mellie was the only one who arguably ended up in the same place.

The natural hair would have made the most sense on the campaign trail in 1x06 and 2x11, because who has time to straighten their hair or get it straightened while helping to run a presidential campaign?

Didn't she live in that apartment 5 years ago (I guess 2 years before this episode began), in the flashbacks in episode 302? I could be wrong about that. I did find her career path in this episode a bit odd, as I got the sense from earlier seasons that her career as a political strategist/fixer was a bit further along

She's still VP, presumably. Nothing happened to her.

Agree 100%. LOVED the lack of Jake this episode and for most of the season. The fact that he was barely part of Olivia's alternate universe showed that she may never have met him if not for Defiance and isn't too broken up about it. So much for her spending all this time pining for him since his wedding. I really hope

I am hoping for that too. It would be interesting if Olivia's investigation leads her there but people doubt her because they think she is acting like a jealous ex-girlfriend.

I agree that at that point, Olivia was prepared to go all in with Fitz. But I can understand why she was more hesitant in the future, after she was finally ready to go all in and he treated her like a cheap whore after he found out about Defiance. I think that even if she had gone ahead with her plan in season 2 to

Maybe what they should have done was had her take the graceful exit Fitz offered her at the end of season 2 and become a senator in season 3. I think the show would have been better if they had gone that route and actually executed Olivia's plan for how she and Fitz could eventually make their relationship public.

I agree that her running for POTUS now made no sense, and it's probably part of why she lost (in addition to the fact that on the show, they've had 16 years of Republican rule and the Democrats are probably hungrier for it). I get that she is based in part on Hillary, but Hillary served in the Senate for 8 years and

She does help less fortunate people by taking a lot of cases pro bono. And she helped Huck when he was homeless.

I agree that this season has in some ways been better than 5b, which was really painful to watch. But it feels like a different show than the first 5 seasons.

They never did a good job of explaining how she came to be on good terms with him between 509 and 510, or why he is able to live out in the open and was not sent back to jail.

I doubt she wants Mellie in the White House for ideological reasons. I would suspect it's about Mellie being easier to control/blackmail because she has so many dirty secrets, unlike Frankie Vargas who seemed pretty clean and like a genuinely good guy.

Exactly. This season has been entertaining but it feels like a different show, in part because the show is just not the same without Olitz and in part because of the new format. IMO there are WAY too many characters this season, and while I like the idea of focusing on different peoples' perspectives, it's annoying