
Yet another danger of ordering off of secret menus.

Wtf are you serious? Were you trying to give me a history lessson I don’t need, or denying that the majority of the sorority sisters at the airport were black?? #missedthepoint

It’s Saturday and nothing big has happened. Pretty much the definition of a slow news day.

The other airport is on the north side of town, more than 30 miles aways, fyi

When I lived in Houston I preferred Hobby. It was always so much easier to get in and out of. But then again I’m a young white woman so life is generally pretty easy for me when it comes to security screening.

Yes, but if they’re actually posting items and referring to them as a “secret menu,” it’s not a “secret menu” as we generally understand it. It’s a marketing promotion.

Bronx Mowgli? From the Concrete Jungle Book?

Right? There are lots of things that deserve flippant headlines, neglecting children isn’t one of them!

Men are so fucking emotional and shouldn’t be in leadership positions because they will nuke Russia while on their man periods. I think that’s how it goes?

Thank you.

Coulda ended worse...

the white people who have the power to enforce institutional racism are not poor nor uneducated. also,white trash is a problematic term bc it upholds the belief that the default of whiteness is good character.

Fun fact, the absinthe bath features screaming poets, a used chamber pot, and a bipolar fairy. I kid, I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

I prefer haiku,

I worked in HR at Google for nearly eight years; I quit two months ago and am now taking some time off to write and other shit and also stop commuting 4 hours a day and answering emails 24/7.

Sex tapes of celebrities published without their permission? No thanks!

If you knew the Hulk I knew,

you’d know his racist heart.

He’d never want to hurt white fans,

or his family from the start.

If you knew Hulk Hogan,

you would know how hard he fake fought...

and the way it brought a smile to people light, medium and dark

Yes, that was my general reaction too.