"The problem is that we, as a nation, have been running this experiment for decades now, and the verdict is clear: Without government assistance — or nudging — most businesses will never feel the obligation to pay for family leave on their own. "
"The problem is that we, as a nation, have been running this experiment for decades now, and the verdict is clear: Without government assistance — or nudging — most businesses will never feel the obligation to pay for family leave on their own. "
Also, one other fun fact: the proposed laws state that any judge who overturns them will be removed and that the plaintiffs will have to pay for all court costs and labor fees for both sides.
"Feels like another way to make straight ladies worry about sex rather than enjoy it."
^^^THIS. All the stars to you!
I seriously doubt those were real Jews. Jews support abortion (with a few crazy exceptions) there is a passage in the tanach that says the woman's life is worth more that the fetus's. The people waving flags around are usually Jews for Jesus, or as I like to call them, very crazy Goys.
I cannot stop laughing at the (accurate) concept of the New Testament being the Bible Expansion Pack. The Bible: (A Distinct Lack of) Wrath of the Jew King.
This is always my question. It's like they totally skip over the commandments regarding stealing, adultery, and wanting other people's shit.
Here's a link to the gofundme info to help support the baker's legal fund.
Yeah, the whole first half of the bible is basically, "worship God or die. Painfully."
Of course, it's the second half that then comes around to the "don't be an asshole" idea, but that's more of an expansion pack, not the original.
I think Texas will be last with gays and pot. :(
So I'm assuming her PAC is running low on funds.
Im going to guess it was no picnic for the female officer either.
Preemptive shout-at to anyone who'd use that bullshit line: People in prison have families. It's punishment enough that their families can't be with their father/brother/husband, etc. — but to be straight-up afraid to visit them because of the guards? What the fuck?? And hell.. what's to stop them from doing this to a…
OK, what the holy Fuck is it going to take for the general populace of this Goddamn country to decide the police state and jail-complex is utterly out of its fucking mind? Holy Christ I know there's a chunk that will be all tough and say "what do you expect, she's going to visit a felon/criminal," but seriously, it's…
There is no amount of intelligence or persuasiveness you can have that will convince him to change his ways. That's because he already knows on some level he's wrong, but he thinks if he doesn't acknowledge reality, he can protect his own warped reality from change. Trust me, I have an another otherwise nice dad, and…
GregorMendel is, I believe, referring to birkat kohanim, the Jewish Priestly Blessing. Leonard Nimoy (who is Jewish) based the Vulcan salute off of it.
I really hated the horror stories, but what I hated the most was the inability to say, "eh, it wasn't too bad for me." I would then be met with a barrage of how they had a tear from their vag to their eyeballs, they nearly died during birth, they nearly starved their child to death cos their milk didn't come in, blah…