
I am such a die-hard skeptic I had a subscription to the Skeptical Inquirer for years. I remain a skeptic, but cannot explain some things about a house where I lived for years.

This is going to give me nightmares. There is something horrifying about "blue-faced mommy."

Yes! Totally misremembered. Rez wants to marry the Idoru. William Gibson predicts, again.

Are we sure her name isn't Lo/Rez?

Anything you might possibly have to say of substance (which I doubt) was wiped out by this.

My first thought. Damn it.

I screamed at that truck more than once after they first came to town. The guy driving usually screamed back.

Then be impressed by every woman who has gone through mastectomy and reconstruction. It's a part of breast cancer that no one talks about (the other is dying). Worse yet is reconstruction failure (which I endured). And I say "women" because I don't think men with BC get recon very often, if at all. There's no point

As a woman whose had had bilateral mastectomies (pre-menopausal) , I was horrified by this "lactation consultant." Even my nipples were scraped and cored before being sewn back on to get rid of every possible bit of breast tissue. I realize they can't get it all, but but this almost made me cry. Breast = death for

My favorite was a judge in Houston who asked my friend, in open court,"What can I do for you today, little lady?"

There is a courtroom in Smith County, Texas with the following sign on the swinging doors of the bar: "Briefcases only beyond this point. No purses." That means female attorneys, like me, have to leave purses unattended in the spectator section along with all of the people charged with crimes. It's vile. I'm too old

How is that smug? Do you want her to cower or to to keep her mouth shut?

Totally appropriate. Those men certainly Pac Mo.

If you are defending spanking, why did you tell a victim of child abuse to shut the fuck up?(grabs popcorn)

Happy to!

You just told a person who endured a terrible childhood to shut the fuck up. That tells me all I need to know about you.

This was my childhood, too. Never had a run-in with the law, but it's a nightmare to think about.

Hey, Adrian! My abusive father is a Christian, too. Since he asks God to take over what he can't handle, who was beating the crap out of us? Was God psychologically abusing us, too?

Trashy to reply to myself, I know, but thanks to whoever favorited. It was a sort of meta joke.