
Yes. At my TX high school parents had to sign a form if they did NOT want the school to hit you. We called them, "pops." It was also rather sexist. Girls could not get popped, so girls had to be suspended or get detention, which meant you received zeros for all classes on those days. That was not the case with pops.

Wonder if child abuse will be treated differently than partner abuse.

If you'd had an abusive parent, you'd know why he filmed it. I'm sure there are plenty of people who think these horrible people are just fine—in public. They also performed exactly as he was afraid they would.

Reliant Energy paystub.

Mind if I explain? The law prohibits discrimination against employees based upon their religion. If he is doing this to all employees, regardless of their religion, it is still discrimination based upon religion.

I'm Tweeting this. You made me tear up because it is so true. No quips about "feels" or "dust in the air."

No. I am not missing your point. When something Very Very Bad happens that could well be your fault, most people feel a little sick and need some time to process. Even if you don't mean it, hurting someone-let alone killing them-causes most of us to need to focus inwards. Though denial is also effective for short

No. I'd show a little respect and pull my closest friends and family near to me.


Wow. We'll be hearing more about this in days to come, I'll bet.

If that is the case, he is a sociopath.

More, please?

And that's why he needs to be charged with murder. Though the charge will be manslaughter, I'll bet.

You realize there is an actual map of weird things like international flights zones and they did not fly in a restricted zone? Or are you just trolling really hard?

What happens to the plane when you try it?

And Haynes is self-deprecating, too. Wow.

I am no pilot, but what he did was brilliant.

Yes, they do. Because they lived, which, in the hands of a lesser captain and crew, may not have occurred. Brilliant comment.

Oh, honey. Marriage does not work that way. Life doesn't work that way. Stop expecting it to. Seriously.

I most certainly did. He failed to understand that, too, and just kept being a bitch, whiny, entitled, abusive prick. Buh-bye. Luckily, I live in state with no alimony so I didn't have to pay him off (I earned twice what he did). Kept his filthy hands out of my retirement, too.