Long a, Short a

And I thought my Hidden Figure experience was dope...

Don’t forget the racist fat, flesh, muscle, and toe jam.

I saw it on the news one night. These was a trader market/swap meat in bumblefart Ky and all the sellers got together after the market close to have a little potluck. Everything had been going well until a number of people started feeling dizzy and their bodies felt tingly. When EMS came to tend to the people, they

At least you didn’t act like you(snap) really(snap) could(snap) burn.

Ever had one as a sub teacher?

My family had a rat problem in the early 90's. Rats ran over my bare feet twice.

I second this motion. Rod from The Black Guy Who Tips did a whole, entire bit about trying to avoid work potlucks because of nasty white people and white people that can not cook. Some white folks in my state unknowingly made cornbread in a dish that one of their family members made meth in...

I know, I know. I’m still mad at my older, bougie cousin for telling a dirty lie that I eat roaches. Well, that’s one of the many things I hold against her.

“She’s Domino, not Misty Night.” So, only one black woman can have an afro at the same time?

I say that white people like that treat racism like the monster under a child’s bed.

I have the best of multiple worlds. A cute looking case that protects my V10 and doesn’t burn me.

I’m co-signer your post because my mom was/is a control freak about food and it was a major trigger for the food issues I had through life. There are “fun” food I refuse to eat because my mom made me eat them.

How much sugar are you suppose to put in Kool-aid? I had a sweet tooth, but I thought mom’s kool-aid was far too sweet. I use to water down mom’s packet drinks when I was eight or nine. I didn’t like ice in my drink(still don’t) and I thought I was cutting our the middle man by just watering it down.

I try not to look at her myself, but her praying mantis arms are quite noticeable.

Real life Wild Stallions ain’t got time for that.

Whatever girl. Disabled and out of shape women should be able to get football scholorships. /s

I’m staying home like any other holiday. I hate big family get togethers and I haven’t went to one in years. Solidarity fist: my mom is a narc and my brother and I are about to give her the boot.

Nope. I’ve onlyhad the classic eggs and the mini cups.

I’d probably like PEEPS if someone like you was in the driver’s seat. I hate an unhealthy hatred for marshmallow bastards.