Long a, Short a

I think we have similar tastes. I like to try and eat the foodiest of food, but I will also get my like off of American chocolate and stuff.

I agree with you respectfully. Please pass the ghosts.

The only reason why I didn’t cry is because I watched it without sound. I’ll probably cry when I see this movie though.

I know that pissed off the dance team. I wanted to step so bad when I was a kid, but I didn’t go to schools with a step team. I went to a super suburban middle school that was an hour away from home.

WOW...At least you didn’t do that shit to yourself. I tried to revamp/uncycle/whatever all my hand-me-downs from outer space and that shit never looked good. I couldn’t sew for shit and my mom is not the teaching kind.

My mom, for better or for worse tried to train me to love the off brand more than the name brand. So, I know what it’s like to get roasted by my classmates. Payless shoes were the only items of clothes I owned that weren’t second hand. Kids may be cruel, but I wasn’t helping matters prancing around school in ill

You lucky piece of...I mean, I’m happy you came up on a good find. I wanted vinyl gogo boots more than anything in the world back in the 90's, but I have wide feet. I ended up with a pair of stretch velour gogo boots I got from a place called Pick and Pay. The name of the place should tell you why it’s gone.

I’m taken back by how brash and bold some Kentuckians are about voting against their interests. They don’t want to believe they shot themselves in the foot and they are tired of Lie-bralls trying to tell them something.

I agree with both of you.

Yrp, that’s the mall we went to. My cousin live near Indy and she’s never been to the mall. Granted, she lives near three super Targets and aa Omega Kroger.

I love Dan Bell videos. I got hooked on his stuff after he got shouted out on Bright Side Media’s Abandoned videos.

Alot of these places were built decades ago and the mindset of people in charge are suck in the decade the mall was built. I recently got into the habbit of watching dead mall videos on Youtube and the downfall of most malls is that they won’t change with the times.

Which mall has the movie theater? My family and I went to Indianapolis a few years ago and we were in the mall with the movies in it. I don’t think it would have been as poppin’ as it was if there weren’t a Pokemon convention that weekend. That trip was a fun disaster because we went to three different half dead

I think you could go to preschool, but the second you hit kindergarten, you had to have your pull ups game together. Many a kid learned how to potty because they wanted to go to school. Times changes and I forgot that for a second.

That video brought back memories of the time I tried to do the hammer and the running man like I was still a ten year old with B cups. Ow *skip* Ow *skip*

I cackled over titty meat. You just dropped that in like you were on an episode of Black Dinomite. I tried to buy a bra online from Fashion Bug(RIP) to save money and be cute. Hahahahahahahahahahah~!~!~! After ten minute of mortal struggle and a bunch of strained muscles, I had alien cat boobs. The bra closed in

Frankly, I’m happy granny panyies work for someone. I wore granny panties 26 dredful years. Boyshorts hit everything in the right place and m ass doesn’t dine on them. I’ve never tried thongs and I never will.

Polterwag? Is this when mom jeans make you look like you stuck a salad bowl in your pants no matter how fit you are?

I’m five feet tall, but I’m built like I’m four feet tall, so all mom jeans are too high for me. The early 2000's was the only time jeans hit my natural waist and weren’t.

Thank you for typing every single word of this. I want pretty much everything you want plus a slight boot cut.