Long a, Short a

Today’s denim trends make me want to throw things and scream at people. I hate skinny jeans. I hate distressed jeans. I hate jeans that I can easily turn into a jumpsuit. Rage~! Rage~! Rage~!

I guess schools don’t have potty training rules anymore... Back in the 80's you couldn’t start school in Jefferson county Kentucky unless you were potty trained.

What do you expect from someone that gets Mona Scott checks though?

I wasn’t a fan of Remy’;s diss track either. Something about the hip hop version of ashy twitter dudes doesn’t exite me. If I was Nicki, I wouldn’t have wasted a bar on Remy.

I can see that. I’ve never been to a Japanese food place that’s done that, but I live in a foodie town. Plus, the best way to get me in a fighting mood is to talk about palates.

I don’t know, but I’m pleased anytime I see Sonic characters outside a wacko sexual fanfiction.

I just got done stanning for Private Selection hummus.

I dig seasoned hummus myself. One day, I was bumbling around in a Kroger and I decided to pick up some store brand hummus just to try. Once I dipped a pretzel in the bowl and eat it, I was hooked.

That sounds like some treacherous shit parents do to try to prove their kid just loves peas.


I have had too much struggle hummus to believe a word you said.

Fuck lizard people~!

I hope someone, someone savage and fuckless, posted these pictures to old Robby know-it-all

Some of my “fellow” Kentuckians think you should give birth to a child concieved during rape. “What did the “baby” do to you?”

Pink is my favorite color, but fuck that shit. I’m going to stick with the old fuddy duddy pineapples.

That’s the name of my first mix tape.

When trash fuckers came at me with MLK I was quick to inform them that he is a victim of fanfiction. I also posted quotes and videos to back it up.

You can be nice and dogged at the same time. You don’t have to cuss out everybody unless you want to, but let these people know that you aren’t going to entertain their brand of bullshit. I feel a way about your situation because my cousin lives near Indianapolis, works near Seymore, and has to deal with the same

I’m done with over indulged “working class” white people that complain about being ignored. They are pandered to so much that they throw fits the second somebody else gets attention. Yes, I’m’ll use the language they use against me or anyone else that doesn’t fit their mold.

I wish Trever Noah understood this.