
I hate irony!!!! To me the world is wide and flat and appreciated purely at the surface level with no undue exploration of contingencies or context

I do not tolerate any politics in my video games or in my video game reporting, and I for one congratulate Kotaku writer Ash Parish for this excellent piece of short memoiristic game writing that contains no political subtext whatsoever

The patch for this should be that any NPC with that background also has amazing skills so you have to make a moral decision about whether working with a pedophile is worth it. 

POE’s depth is pretty profound but the 8th or 9th time they reset the tree while i was taking a break really crushed my spirit to play the game and reset the tree. The build complexity is a welcome change from D3.

I want to see the list of names they didn’t pick, to decide on that one.

Ahem, Rowlet is 100% the best Alolan starter. No question

I don’t play GTA online but this doesn’t seem too weird? It makes sense to me that devs would use rewards to generate interest in less known/less played activities.

I am absolutely fed up with seasonal models, games as a service and battle passes. Wake me when this nightmare ends. 

I’m just so tired of seasonal models.

Pointy-Haired Executive: “With the death of loot boxes, what’s the latest trend in microtransactions that we can exploit?”

I mean, it’d be pretty terrible if they paid you up to several hundred dollars for a FAQ and you just went and deleted it. They’re paying you to make a FAQ for them. If you want a FAQ you can delete whenever, don’t do the contract and/or upload it elsewhere. Letting people delete their paid FAQs would be a net

As far as I can see, you are correct. It even looks like the game removes equipment before people leave, so that’s not a problem either. Maybe in the review version or something they didn’t spawn recruits if you were full?

Kinja is truly the Destiny of websites.

Fucking Kinja and the auto-scroll and having to refresh the page because the comments didn’t show, which actually loads the next page that was in the auto-scroll queue... All leading to a catastrophic moment of “Being Kinja’d” where you think you’re posting on one page when it’s really another!

Yeah, good way to make certain I’ll never buy anything Lierop touches. 

Can’t wait for the GDQ speedrun of this

Considering how gas pumps use fractions of a cent, its actually more like you giving 50,000 fractions of a cent for 32,000 gems

For your 32,000 gems I’ll give you 500,001 pieces of dust from my room... that I'm currently collecting. 

I look forward to the release of It’s Literally Just Thing Trading.