This was monstrous up until the resume bit. Then, it was also pretty hilarious, and then it was mostly just sad.
This was monstrous up until the resume bit. Then, it was also pretty hilarious, and then it was mostly just sad.
I hope that csr doesn’t get in trouble. I honestly really appreciate that response, as a Blizzard customer.
So this quiz is just for these two guys Antifa and Rule of Law? Antifa looks like a fun guy, this Rule of Law guy is only smiling with half his face....
Accelerate your life! Are you at the terrible youth part of your life where you feel you can do anything, and would do anything to accelerate through the linear life process to whatever is later? With the military, you can accelerate your life straight through to the end!
Why is everybody calling what was previously known across any game as ‘costumes’ ‘echo fighters’ now? Reinhardt in Overwatch has some great echo fighters. Yeah, doesn’t really seem right. Is ‘Costume’ out of style?
Given the rift in the Horde over her actions, I expect them to destroy themselves from within via civil war. Too bad I can’t have faith in Blizzard to actually play that out, nope they’ll just have a couple NPC’s whine and toss off their armor, but then suddenly get over it.
The ‘roleplay’ aspect doesn’t work in this context though, because there’s not enough tools to appropriately roleplay the opposing side. The aggressor can destroy home turf, but dying against the defender doesn’t have any negative impact.
Why doesn’t he just go back to a previous save point?
Between the two -
I can’t play any game that uses number keys without a full set of number keys on the side of my mouse. Being able to hit one of 12 keys without taking my hand off wasd is fantastic.
The YOLO mutation, if you lose it by dying, you can pick a new 3rd mutation. Therefore, always pick YOLO.
Someone who watched his best friend blown apart by C4 may not want to see death by explosions, but is willing to be challenged by a dog dying.
Pretending there’s a throughline loses a lot of fun when people take it way too seriously. I wish Nintendo wouldn’t comment on it so that it can maintain the air of fun fannon theory it should have.
It’s weird that these pronunciations things keep coming up given that common sense is pretty clear on this. Say whichever is most comfortable to say, taking into account the negative comfort of saying it differently than the majority. Wow, that sounds even clearer and easier written out than I thought it would,…
“I’ve moved all the furniture and vacuumed everything, and ran the carpet cleaner. I suppose we could crawl on our hands and knees and look through the carpet to find the last few crumbs of dirt, but unless that’s really bothering anyone, we don’t really see a reason to do so.”
Why would the ambulance drivers care? Are they paid commission? Do they have to cover the gas when the occupant can’t pay? What the heck!?
I can see why they wouldn’t want to make a permanent change without knowing the actual cause, but there are options for bandaids while they work on it. How about an XP buff for players in that level range?
I haven’t played either, but is Rocket League really a better game than Grand Theft Auto 5? Is Fortnite truly a better game than Inside? Should categories be added, or a disclaimer about older titles get a handicap?
This is such a smart-ass response.
The build up was “Where is Loki” and “Why is the son of Loki, who is apparently from the future, helping Kratos and Atreus?”