
I would argue that this is less an issue of not keeping up with the times, and more that they were outplayed. Any console in the leader role would have taken the same stance, and the others responded by ganging up. That’s to be expected, and is almost definitely the smartest move. I would say this is playing out

Hi Imp, glad you can make, hope you’re having a great time. I see that there might be some small amount of confusion here, happens to the best of us.

Definitely! Don’t get me wrong, this totally happens, and sucks. I don’t think this is a bad game or bad decision, I just ended up in a slightly bait and switch situation. I thought this might be a little more unique, and a little closer to scenarios I was more familiar with, but turns out it’s a ‘yep, drinking can

I’m definitely going to play the game. I certainly didn’t mean that the game looked bad, or made a bad decision. I just saw a situation I could relate to, and then the focus on alcohol was a slight disappointment as it at first seemed a break away from the more common trope. That said, it still seems like a good game

That’s fair, it’s more something of a problem very few people would even be aware of. Survivors of other situations looking for representation, who would have loved a simple demon to blame like alcohol, but didn’t get such respite. In a way though, people not seeing why this would be useful is a reason why it needs

I can see that perspective, it definitely would normally come across strange, but it’s kind of like when media focuses only on overt violent racism, and never delves into the more prevalent and deep institutional and subtle racism.

Yeah, another good option. They can even be middle class, clean, good homes, but just have no interest in their children or making them happy.

I was disappointed when I saw the focus on the drinking, it seems media with this kind of atmosphere is always because of alcohol, drugs, or workaholism. Why can’t one of the parents just be an asshole who otherwise does normal things?

What I do is mostly avoid the main quests until I’m done with/bored with the side content. Then I complete the main quest, and allow the official ending of the main content to be the end of the game.

Aw man, I saw the picture and my heart skipped a beat. I thought the Gods and Glory update may have finally come out, and that’s why you were playing this. :P

DLC isn’t for completing a game, it’s for adding to it. I’m not sure why they had to word it that way, they can just say they don’t want to add DLC, or don’t have inspiration for it. If your game isn’t 100% when you release it, your release free updates. Paid DLC is for bringing it past 100%.

I wonder if it would make things ok if they allowed any art unchosen to be sold free of copyright concerns. After all, that comes closer to how art normally works. You make something hoping somebody buys it. If person A doesn’t buy it, then hopefully somebody else in the alphabet does.

I certainly hope ‘streamlining’ the unlock process doesn’t mean over simplifying. I really really really like unlocks, and most games don’t do them very well anymore.

If I hadn’t finished the game, I’d be looking for someone to murder. Having played the game, trust me when I say that that spoiler doesn’t matter. Just play it, it’s fantastic.

So then, are they abandoning their reboot? They’re unbooting? You can do that!?

It’s like From saw Nioh and “Ah crud, we forgot to make that game. Thanks for the heads up guys!”

They can’t even find the resources to fix some of the most massive, longest running, most disruptive bugs in the game. Many players using AMD processors get random almost constant stuttering unless they turn sound off in game. The kind of stuttering that can leave you dead in combat every time, without even knowing

Well...yeah. If I have an AI I only show squares and circles to, and then ask it what a picture of a triangle is, it will probably come back with square. That doesn’t make it a Triangle denier.

Makes sense to a point, but in this scenario they’re enforcing tipping, which is functionally the same as just raising prices. They’re just charging you more, and you’re not tipping additionally beyond that.

Economics noob here, can I get further details on why this isn’t a good thing? Why wouldn’t you raise taxes to pay for new expenses?