
Whether or not it’s gambling doesn’t matter. I’m not sure why we need to force an ill fitting definition. It, by definition, isn’t gambling. THAT’S OK. IT DOESN’T NEED TO BE “GAMBLING” TO BE HARMFUL. Stop arguing over semantics, it’s absolutely useless in this situation. You buy a $1 loot box, you get $1 worth of

Ahem, the *U...S...G* Ishimura. It’s the biggest planet cracker of its class.

Ha, no that’s Bulma herself. Think I don’t recognize her? I’m willing to bet that the voice of Bulma looks way different, probably less cartoonish.

Yeah! You show that horse lover! What does she think she’s doing, showing support for this other horse lover, against the writer of this article, Patrick Redford. BURN HER ALIVE FOR LIKING HORSES AND TRYING TO TELL OFF THE PERSON WHO DOESN’T LIKE HORSES, PATRICK REDFORD, THE WRITER OF THE ARTICLE, THE PERSON WHO

I really don’t want to sound like I’m complaining, but how did he not think to check closets?

I hope they make a ‘Any% No Mod’ category so that those who want to run it that way can be properly credited.

If only someone could figure out how to make a drink with just less sugar. It seriously can’t taste worse than Stevia, aspartame, or sucralose. As much as I’ve tried, I can’t stand any of those. God help me, I’ve been stuck with water too long! Somebody, anybody, just beat out water without coming with diabetes. I’m

But he’s right! It is boring, that’s why we use it! That’s what it’s for! is boring. That’s why we go there. That’s why we have it, please don’t attack it by making it something it’s not. We love it, we don’t need people defeating the literal point of our little -mundane- heaven.

It makes him an incredibly awful disgusting person, but not a hypocrite. Other things definitely make him a hypocrite for sure, but this is in keeping with just making him horrible.

It’s too bad this didn’t take place in some sort of technical framework that could record metrics critical to the success of the business. Even just taking place in your average website would have been good, where they would always track things like concurrent visitors, unique visitors, etc.

Ban button must be awfully close to the hire button, they should look into that. If they accidentally ban everyone that they should be hiring, they’re going to run short of passionate employee prospects.

All the best people know an asian. Tremendous people. Some people think mocking accents is admirable, the best form of flattery. Do I think it’s admirable? Eh, sure. Sure, why not? If truly great, the best people say that, I have agree. You know, some people think China doesn’t want you to use their accent, that it’s

As someone who played the first one, I can second that you definitely don’t need to play it first. Just go, “ooh”, every time they say ‘Braccus Rex’ and you’ll have nailed the experience of transitioning between the games.

The sit down and talk about it option is great! It didn’t need fixing, so I left it out, but there are many people where the tradition and ‘fun’ of spectacle is preferred. I think this version of that takes some potential drama/sting out of a poor conclusion.

It’s ok to praise and criticize the same person, even in the same sentence. People are constructs of more than their worst/best action. In this case, we can execute him for being a disgusting person, while still noting he did push some papers real well.

Does it double your chances for a wanted outcome to pray for both, or do you have to split the chances between the two? Like, if I pray for food and have like a 25% chance, and pray for not needing to eat with a 10% chance, do I get a 35% chance of getting something I want? Maybe you have to average it?

They should put some armed personnel on site to deter criminals. Did they file a police report?

Do they have a new verification process that sidesteps this drama? Seems they could just archive all the old scores ‘verified’ under the old process, call them “Legend Scores” or something equally fancy sounding, and then have the main records focused on and considered Verified. You can have a fancy name for the new

I don’t believe the issue was the character choice, I believe it was the game throwing. Symmetra can be particularly good (bad?) at this as she can use her teleporter to throw teammates into character killing falls off the map.