
What, you’re not into those fabulous dresses from House of Eczema? I’m so happy I found them after Psoriasis Studios closed up shop!

These guys who seek “mail order brides” do so for a reason and it has nothing to do with love or altruism. There’s no shortage of women in their countries who are their equals in age, beauty, intelligence. They want someone out of their league who they can control. So let’s not pretend these femme fatales are taking

I’m not saying this was Melania’s case, but you don’t know the stories behind what makes women become “mail-order brides.” You don’t know their history, their material conditions, their desperation level, you don’t know a bunch of things. You also don’t mention the reason behind why some western men choose these

And he treated both of them like crap. #JusticeForMickeyAndMartha

First rule of “White people invited to the cookout”: you are only allowed to bring plates/cups/utensils, beverages or extra paper towels.

Reminds me of the wives partners (i’ll say partners but, let’s be real, it’s mostly cis wives) of trans women who transition later in life, who call themselves part of a trans community even though they themselves are cis.

I have no idea if Juno is a troll or just a helplessly clueless white woman. Like, I couldn’t even make a guess at this point.

Did you really just brag about putting yourself front and center of something that’s not yours? Did you really just brag about falsely claiming to be a thing when you are not that thing, just so you can get praise? Really? REALLY?

You know being an ally and being gay aren’t the same fucking thing, right? Just because

I think a big ol’ whiny #notallwhitepeople disqualifies you from even one macaroni. Knock it off.

Unless you’re trying to be a demonstration of the self-righteous, domineering white assholes who won’t get am invite, in which case, uh, good work?

I see you imitating a black man, too. Don’t think no one gets your little

in 900 years, the Doctor has had like, 2 Black friends. he’s definitely not invited.

are you gonna talk about yourself the whole time?

Saying outloud, wrote it, read it a lot. We need to stop being so inclusive. Starting in highschool with the friend we give access to a pool of male to the political party who take us for granted.

That story contradicts your point. You inserted your straight self into a private conversation between gay men, that was presumably about levels of irritation with straight women treating gay men like pets. And when they pushed back you basically told them to lick your hand.

Who’s Gary Owen?

The edges and “kitchen” hurt the worst at first. Eventually they loosen up. But the first couple of days can be brutal, especially if you have an auntie who takes no prisoners with catching every single hair.

Since forever. Had mine done on the porch, in the summer of 1072 by my aunt, with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, music on, pepsi by her side, and a few scattered moonpie crumbs <—- said every black person in america ever.

“I made this clear, back when shorty used to braid my hair on the project stairs” is probably my favorite Bruce Springsteen line.

Don’t you know nothing exists until we white people do it?