
has violated a condition of his release by failing to comply with his curfew, traveling outside the parameters of his curfew at least eight times

That’s not a double standard, unless people that are against catcalling are fine with it when women do it. When have you ever heard people standing up for the [largely imaginary] women that catcall? This is what’s known in the biz as a “strawman argument.”

someone find me one example of henry cavil not being deeply, DEEPLY boring—either on screen or off—and then i will forever stop questioning why he is famousish

Yeah, that’s pretty much the entire fucking point.

Yes. And it was glorious. Vivi-Anne is deadpan and disinterested in every scene in which she appears.

She just wants everyone to be healthy. By weighing less.

I thought she was hacked. Either that or Kanye took over.

For their part, the Union County School district maintains that the subject of the photograph is not the problem, rather their objection is to Arthur’s improper supervision of her private property.

Four day suspension and some variation of “boys will be boys”, I’m betting.

So what happens to the 16 year old who was distributing pornography?

Yes, the consequences of false accusations are totally the same for black and white people.

I came to say the same thing. God forbid she was a scientist too - maybe even a scientist from NY who knows the city well? An engineer for the MTA? So many ways that could have gone. *heavy sigh* I love Leslie though, and a job is a job so I can’t be too mad at her. I’ll see it when it hits Netflix.

Me at my desk right now

The only thing that’s obvious is that Eva is using this factual or fictional ‘incident’ to launch her mommy blog.

I’d fire her- there’s just no excuse for that degree of technological incompetence.

So this Nanny didn’t sext or proposition her husband so much send a text meant for her friend extolling his hotness to him by mistake?

Sorry, you and Batman have bad taste. It’s all about Samoas

This makes Christian Bale more more relatable to me, actually. Are you telling me if you had a box of Thin Mints in your lap and no access to a freezer for hours you could truly hold out? That’s a Revenant-level amount of suffering.

Girl Scout: That will be $16 Mr. Bale