
My beloved uncle who just passed was the loving stepfather of three and my great aunt was a foster parent. This crime has nothing to do with blood relations or legal connections this was a sick motherfucker.

I can’t feel bad for her. My heart is breaking for that baby but her momma and that monster they both need to fry. How and why do you stay with someone who makes you question their actions around your child? Why would you leave your child for days with this person when you suspected these things about him. Damn him

Well, I find it unfair that my genetics have caused me to not run as fast as other runners. Since this is all about fairness and an equal playing field, I insist that all the runners with better muscle structure eat more McDonald’s. 

It appears that she was willing to pay cash for the treatment since the first clinic she tried to get him seen under his real name. It wasn't until they refused to see him without a guardian that she then went to another clinic and used her son's name. The first clinic should have tried to help them by asking for a

Let’s have a round of applause for deductibles. If the bill had gone straight to her insurance, there’s no freaking way they would have paid that much for a drug that’s been on the market since the Nixon Administration. 

When they can’t name their emotions... they count on silly gestures they’ve seen in movies.

Emotionally immature. When they can’t name their emotions, when they can’t process actions and consequences beforehand, they count on silly gestures they’ve seen in movies. Ignorance and crassness that is unsupervised and met wth lazy, unwarranted loyalty and it’s easy to see they’re being manipulated by the

Hey, I remember the chair doing pretty well for at least the first couple of questions - I wouldn’t have dignified Eastwood with responses either. Plus it consistently overlooked how the confused old man it was debating with kept mistaking it for the President.

My first thought. I assumed the kid was black with a natural hairstyle that this person disapproved of. If that’s not the case, maybe this is actual mental health issues, because that shit is bizarre.

*Looks up Visalia, Ca.*

I’m just shocked that the boy sat down and let her do it.

Oh and I never laughed as hard as I did this whole episode.  Yall didn’t even mention Thug Yoda!  LOL 

I could link to my Grammy nomination...or you could Google, like regular folk do.

i mean, anyone who says “bernie’s kids” = obvi breitbart or russian bot troll. (or both simultaneously).

I thought most women fake most orgasms, so what is the point of a “real” one on tv? Just the novelty? Or to prove it exists?

“Where is the orgasm?”

MLM destroys whatever it touches. It parasitically preys upon social capital.

And they have people suggesting really dangerous shit. Don’t drink essential oils! Oils aren’t going to cure cancer!

And I AM a mom. But I don’t feel compelled to dress like my child’s art from when he was 5 and all his people looked like potatoes.

It’s an obvious pyramid scheme. If it were legit you could buy it straight up online or in stores, but you can’t. You have to buy it from a consultant, and you can only pick from whatever they happen to receive in their buy-in package.