
Some men internalize their previous experiences dealing with rejection as humiliating and emasculating. They are, but a normal person will learn to get over them, and also realize that rejection in most any context is not fun for anyone, male, female, or otherwise.

Indeed. The only think he could do that would be better would be to tattoo the word "douchebag" on his forehead so that people could see it in his profile and not bother to click it to begin with.

I personally love your response. "You over reacted," sounds like what a younger me might have said to myself (always worried about rocking the boat like a "good" little female) but now I'd be like, "And, EVEN IF so...who gives a shit? He's an ass!" Well done, you, I say!

My god, I was also thinking "how could that happen? ridiculous" but you prompted me to check my super secret candy stash (it's like 2 security clearance levels above my regular hidden candy stash) and goddamn if there wasn't a single, gleaming, 6 month old maple sugar candy leaf perched atop that pile. Still sealed

My favorite negging: An ex of mine who was creepy-misogynistic got back in touch with me and asked me out for a drink. I decided I'd go and if he had really changed, we could have a friendly drink and if he hadn't, I'd walk out. I agreed to go and he then sent a follow-up email: "I forgot that you're married now. I

It's sad that someone would resort to forcing someone else into re-evaluating their self-worth just to get noticed. The only messages I've replied to on OKC (and that have led to dates) are playful albeit nonsexual ones that are like, "Oh, I like your writing style," or something. Every time I get obvious negging

"I, in no way, ever thought or tried to steal a baby."

I learned that from the Duggars. Hey, maybe he wants his own reality show! Working title: I Fought the Law and My Balls Won.

"We're fucked"

I suspect most rapists know damn well rape culture is a legitimate thing and take full advantage of everyone else's willful blindness.

That child should get an award.

As unbelievably awful as the story is, I'm really glad that the 11 year old sister talked her into going to the police. She seems incredibly intelligent for her age.

Well, it's for a good cause.

Okay, counterpoint on 2). If you consider the act of surrogacy an act where the custody of the child lies solely and permanently with the parents, not the surrogate, those parents leaving that child with the surrogate is still technically abandonment. You can't just leave your kid with someone else because you feel

That's fine when it's your pregnancy. However, we're talking about a wealthy first world couple who exploited a poor women they didn't even meet personally. Most likely she was not made aware that something like this could happen. That's why they're horrible people. If I was having a baby through surrogacy I would

If a woman gets pregnant the old fashioned way, and ignores the bio-dad's request for an abortion, does he get to refuse the baby (ie not provide child support?)

Because the parents' desire for an abortion is in direct conflict with the surrogate's right to bodily autonomy.

Ugh. This is such a horrible story where everyone loses. Especially that poor baby.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.