
I first started watching Sex and the City towards the tail end of its run in 2004 the summer I turned 20 and decided to rewatch this year as I turn 30 and its amazing how attitudes towards women and sex have changed. Especially when the show first aired in 1998. It really was groundbreaking for its time. Re-watching

I felt that was an accurate representation of white people dancing.

I can see where that would solve the whole "Now, be sure to send me a copy of the ones YOU took..." problem. Makes total sense.

Waking up the morning after our wedding and instantly reliving the whole day through our friends pictures (handily gathered together via a hashtag on Instagram) was WONDERFUL. I loved it, and many friends said they loved using it to see everyone else's shots, too. I really doubt "the public" gave a fuck.

THANK GOD you have a common first name or Us Weekly would be knocking down your door.

What harm? People seeing your picture on a day where you know you'll be heavily photographed? Why does it never occur to people that the general public in fact has no interest in seeing strangers wedding photos? I see stranger's wedding photos pop up in my feeds all the time. I scroll right past them and could never

I actually thought it was for people who posted so much that their friends wanted to sort their posts or for friends who are all using the same hashtag so they can all share posts? I'm too old for social media though, so no one should listen to me.

It's an easy way to find photos people have taken. If you use a hashtag with say your two first names and the year, you're friends add the #John&Jane2014 Jane can search the hashtag and find all the pictures. As can all of the people at the wedding. It's not about pretending to be Kim & Kanye, it's simply using a

I am admittedly An Old and as Behind the Times as I choose to be, but I do have an honest question: Why do people assume the public is interested in their wedding? I can see where they'd KNOW that relatives & friends would be clamoring for every picture taken, but why assume that the world is interested? Does it go

She actually said that he is a crystal child and she is an indigo mom. I hate that I know that.

I'm not saying Beyonce is not important. But, you know, Oprah IS still alive.

"Take of this wine, it is my blood. And after the blood/wine, we shall retire to the temple gates to holler at some bitches."

One day I was sitting on the bus behind a girl with headphones on with a guy started calling her "Blondie," and just generally telling her how he'd like to get to know her. He wasn't particularly crude about it, but it was clear his attention was unwelcome. But he kept trying, and she kept replying in monosyllables

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at that lovely ass."

So many questions, all of them variations on "WHY THE FUCK"

In no way did I tell you how your marriage ought to be run. (I will, however, gladly accept the "Boo" — love a good pet name.) How you and your husband order your affairs affects me not at all.

Anticipating the "arrangements" as a mom-specific duty is, in large part, why I feel I should get two votes.

"Honey, how do you expect me to get in the mood if you don't even have colored drop-down selections for column B?"

If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.

I'm not going to get into this too much but let me say, I grew up with a parent that was a sexual predator. I was pretty confrontational around things I saw and knew and experienced but there is still something particularly disturbing about living with a sexual offender who offends on the scale as Sandusky that needs