My only question is: Why didn't I think of it first?
My only question is: Why didn't I think of it first?
Nailed it.
Everything brings out trolls. If there is attention to be had, they shall find it!
I'm listed in the phone book under the wrong spelling for my first name, even though when I set up the phone line twenty years ago you still had to physically go into the phone store and fill out paper-work. I spelled it right in my contract, somehow in the transition to phone book, it got switched.
I have a total milquetoast name, but it gets misspelled all the time. And my last name could go one of four or five ways, even though it's totally banal. I go through life spelling both out to doctors, dentists, teachers, police officers; anyone whomasks, really. Bleargh!
I have no affection for Kim Kardashian or Kanye West, but, goddamn if that isn't the prettiest baby on earth.
In my head, my dog is the Dowager Countess from Downton Abbey.
This is as attractive as I've ever found Channing Tatum.
My husband and I got engaged the night the Montreal Canadiens won their last Stanley Cup. I was visiting him in Ottawa from Calgary, got drunk and broke my ankle because I thought a cartwheel was such a good idea (he was watching the game at home; I was out with an old friend), then I proposed to him while bawling my…
I've heard a lot of 'Debbie Does Dallas,' jokes in my life (High school students are equal parts lame, cruel and relentless) so, 'Smaug Does Dallas' got a huge snort from me.
That's the most awesome proposal I've ever heard of.
Love, Actually does a pretty good job of ruining itself.
Tangentially related: I just watched Johnny Weir on 'Celebrity Chopped' and I just love him so much it hurts my cold, dead heart. I think he's incredibly brave. I can't even think about him without spontaneously weeping, he impresses me so much.
My process: "The wooden stairs are so beautiful; why would they cover them up? So a toddler wouldn't slip and fall?... Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhh."
I have never been to an H&M. Not for any particularly good reason. Maybe because I rarely go to the mall (crowds do my head in).
Edited because Korra put it in perspective :)