
well that didn’t take long for someone to show to the party and immediately denounce fun.

Every other article on kotaku is about politics and not about games so stfu with that “muh sanctuary” BS.

Says the one who falls directly into a stock lefty response twice😂

Thanks for proving my point. :)

Fine with me, so good thing trump is none of those things.

No, it’s not.

Way completely avoid my points in the post because you’re falling under them.

Please show me where I called someone a baby? If you’re referring to where I said “wahhhh” in my original post, then you should know that not only babies cry, you would know that if you saw videos of leftists on trumps Inauguration Day.

>you’re either a nazi or a baby

>not talking about Jews means you hate Jews

But I’m not trying to rebrand democrats?

“Wahhh! Everyone who thinks different from me is a nazi! Now excuse me while I go beat those free thinkers half to death while preaching about peace and love.”

How racist and bigoted of you, typical lefty. So uneducated and racist.

It’s not illegal and it’s not a Muslim ban you uneducated lefty.

Yeah and your homepage is slowed down as well since there are more ads than articles there

Are the enemies giant hit sponges like they were in castle crashes?

Racist bigot.

Diversity = anti-white

I looked for the same exact thing. There is so much unused screen space in this game and most text is so tiny but no there’s no mods that increase text size.

Racist bigot.