
Did you even read the comments? He was wrong and got utterly and completely BTFO.

An AK47 IS arms you loser.

Not sure if sarcasm or not.

Not an argument.

Nope, 90% of guns deaths are due to suicide, accidents and justified shootings.

Why is it my job to educate people? There’s a tool called “Google" people can use to educate themselves.

There are knives and cars designed to kill... None mainstream except for a ton of knives, but enough to render your argument invalid.

It's actually already required for certain ones. In a lot of states it's required to get a specific license for it.

Exactly. But it does protect it, doesn't it?

“Well-regulated” does not mean what it means today you nut. Look at how it is used elsewhere in the document, totally different meaning.

I've already had this same exact discussion a hundred times before and nobody on the opposing side is willing to change their minds despite the proof. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.

If they're more dangerous how come they're among the lowest tools used to kill people? and I'm talking murder, not accidents, suicide or justified shootings.

All of your “points” are straw men and I can refute every one of them but there's no point because you're not willing to listen to facts nor change your mind.

I need it to prevent people like you from taking my others.

They had guns way more deadly than the AR-15 when it was written, are you daft?

Not allowing us to have nukes technically IS infringing but even I agree we shouldn't have them.

I see you're just trolling so I won't bother responding to you anymore. Nobody can be THIS ignorant.

Do you show equal anger over attempted suppression of the first amendment...

The police are not militia. Militia is a term for regular citizens with guns. Also the 14th amendment stated militia applies to EVERYONE.