
Yeah, you know, instead of putting them into the storage just drop them on the ground and press SEND TO STORAGE or whatever it was.

WOTLK Private server.

I accidentally discovered a settlement glitch a few weeks ago that is super helpful on consoles. (I know, I always buy the console version first until the modding tools come out)

People against censorship, even in stupid situations like giving characters more clothes, aren’t wrong. They want to experience the exact same game as the Japanese audience. However, the censorship people aren’t wrong when they say that here in America it could come across as something it wasn’t meant to be.

I’ll stick to Vanilla Dala in my WOTLK private server. ;)

Holy shit, this. Three games I kept the actual ps2 discs for; rogue Galaxy, dragon quest 8 and persona 3. Been wanting to play rogue Galaxy for like 5 years now.

Why is Railroad 2nd? “Muh robots are human too” is not a valid arguement given by them, how could you ever side with them?

I had cait unlock the door but glitched and instead of picking the lock she just opened the door.

>%44 female

You must not had any friends or are over the age of 25, all bros call each other bros, bro.

Bro, you can’t talk logical on Gawker sites, you’ll be called a sexist, racist, islamaphobe. You should know by now liberals don't speak logically.

No side by side comparison?

I know right? i played through the games 5 story missions in a day now all that's left is to clear out all the locations. I only have like 5 side quests too. The world is empty!

Luckily when they release the mod tools we can just go through and change them all to Clothing instead of armor.

I'm a little disappointed most outfits take up armor space. I really wanted to wear the Minutemen leader jacket but it's so weak that wearing the same leather pieces I've had for the last 3 days are better.

All three of them?

Pac man is a feminsist for being better than a man but Lara croft is a “male sex fantasy” for literally enduring the hardship of being stranded on an island full of pirates.

ITS [current year]! I mean COME ON!

So Ms. Pac Man is a feminist because she is better than her counterpart at what he does? I knew feminism was always about dominance.

My first play through I didn’t have a single combat related perk because I had to keep putting them in Gun Nut and more SPECIAL points along with some others like Aqua boy and rad resistance and settlement perks. I was 32 by the end of the game.