
There once was a girl from Madrid,

'Dickisness' isn't an exclusively human trait. Assuming we're about average (I know, some of you are sure that humans are the vile scum of the galaxy, but with no other current data, 'average' is the safest way to go) our chances of meeting those 'better' or 'worse' than us are about equal.

"If for example the aliens landed in asia somewhere, i can 100% guarantee the US would send its forces to occupy and control the area to make sure they maintain control."

I submit you're looking more for angels, than aliens...

I doubt the Universe cares much about anybody's 'readiness.'

Or could it just be that 'Mother Nature' cannot make a Universe where stars are conveniently close together, because it may be unstable, or otherwise not conducive to life to begin with...?

Yeah, right. Making a first contact in the US would be very dangerous, compared to landing in, say, Syria...

Second that. The fact that they can get here at all, means a serious technological disadvantage on our part...

'Next' (assuming a physical appearance, not SETI signal reception, or the like) would probably depend very much on what happens in the first few hours...

"I've never bought into that theory..."

'All?' That's a stretch. Though it's possible that we may be the only ones sufficiently nearby

That would still imply that intelligent life is rare. It only takes one exception to that idea. The more there are, the more likely it is that someone at some point will say, 'I don't care if they're like ants, I'm going to go check them out.'

It should always be remembered that to astronomers and astrophysicists, 'metals' means any element heavier than hydrogen and helium...

"Though if you break it down, somebody who explores the deep sea could be considered a cosmonaut..."

Of course, the flip side of that is just as true, too...

One space station does not control of Earth make.


Because those 'built from scratch' need not have many of the limits of biology.

Sigh. No FTL...this time.