
And this may be the least desirable situation.

'Should' they do so or not, even now?

(shrug) I liked it. About the only change I would have made is in the scene after the religious zealot suicidally destroys the wormhole connecting machine and its operating team including the traveler selected instead of Ellie. And when she is comforted by Matthew McConaughey's character (a Christian philosopher, who

And that's why religions will adjust. (The Catholic Church is ahead of the curve on this one [for an historical change]. The Pope made welcoming statements on this, several years ago.)

I suspect the answer is...yes. Some will, some won't.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

No repulsors to deal with drunk guys hitting on you...?

I wish I could remember the title, but the late Robert Forward once did a short story (in Analog, I think) that involved a movie being shot in space, where the actress had to wear this functional spacesuit that was meant to look like something from 30's-40's pulp magazine covers. virtually transparent, 'fishbowl'

Cletus, you'd have way, way less than a minute before passing out. If you could get off that quickly, your sex life may already have been suffering...

As you reduce the pressure, the boiling point of water goes down, until at some pressure it meets the freezing point (Would that also move up at all? I don't think it does...), and existence as a liquid is impossible.

Hope your knees are good...

It am too late for that...

Yeah. I wish Hal Clement and Robert Forward were still around to see this...

Why not? Remember (well, I do) we got to the Moon at the height of the Vietnam War.

Things usually do look unimpressive, just before the knee of the curve...

Raise shields...!

Now playing

Granted, skin is less complex than eyes, but stem cells (adult ones, at that) don't seem to need much help or direction...

As in 'an eye for an eye...?'

"Entire galaxies could be being transformed and engineered by thousands or millions of alien races as we speak, but there's no way for us to know because they're too far away."

"The elements necessary to form life REQUIRE SUPER NOVAE. Suns need to die for life."