
According to Detlef Schrempf, LeBron is headed to Dusseldorf.

LeBron should announce that he’s going to Seattle, and it’s up to the NBA to put a team there for him.

The Census Bureau actually collects a wide array of business and manufacturing data. They do a lot more than just counting how many people there are.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, per capita toilet paper sales in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area are far lower than any other major urbanized portion of the U.S.

Side note: When the Rams arrived in Los Angeles after fleeing from St. Louis, they were reminded that some fans do, in fact, expect toilet paper in the restrooms. Apparently fans in St. Louis just didn’t use it, so they stopped providing it there.

Oh man, that is really going to eat into Kroenke’s toupee budget. And he cannot afford a cut there.

At this point, Luck should take over writing the Game of Thrones books and GRRM should handle the Colts quarterbacking duties.

The Lum’s I grew up with closed in the mid 1980s, so I was stunned when I happened upon a Lum’s almost 15 years later in the late ‘90s. But even that one is long gone now.

I stumbled across a Lum’s in the late 90s and it was simultaneously fascinating and depressing. Like finding the last dodo bird.

I hear there’s a team in Lithuania that’s friendly to Americans and has a couple of roster openings.

Let’s say Kimmy is hired by the outfit doing craft services. Hijinks ensue.

The winner faces the undisputed champion of all weight classes, DJT.

For fuck’s sake, if you’re going to be an arrogant pedant, make sure you get it right. The guy’s shirt had a Mets theme and his shorts had the Confederate flag.

Yes, people have been known to buy Mets shirts, where are you going with this?

And your point is...?

OK, the Mets may be prone to a unique breed of ineptitude, but at least they’ve never been traitors to their nation (so far) over the desire to enslave other humans (so far). The Venn Diagram of Confederacy-humping dolts and Mets fan dolts should show no overlap whatsoever. I can only therefore assume that this guy

I used to have White Sox season tickets

you have to be fair

Yeah, but does he know that?

I’m going to pardon that tuna salad sandwich I had for lunch a couple days back.