
“OK, yes, we hired the monster, but hear us out. She totally promised to stop eating villagers and had only eaten three that day. ... OK, so she didn’t actually promise to stop eating villagers, it was more implied, but again, only three that day. ... Right, yes, it was only 7:30 in the morning at the time, and she

When I was 36, I looked 10 years older than my actual age, and I still looked 20 years younger than her.

And if your audience can’t tell if you’re trying to be funny or trying to be a pedant, you’ve really effed up, since those two things are mutually exclusive.

If he truly is guilty, I hope he attains to level of consciousness necessary to truly grasp the evil of what he has done, and then lives the rest of his life in the shadow of that realization.

I’d say his odds of truly repenting and reshaping himself into a better person are far better outside MLB than in it. The spotlight tends to amplify what’s already there in the psyche, for better or for worse. Building a quiet life is the best start on atonement.

You’re gay-adjacent, which basically counts to these people.

The FauxNews crowd LOVES this scenario. It gives them little tiny boners, which they otherwise are incapable of achieving. So it’s never going to end.

The absolute incompetence of 95% of the sports media is one of the main reasons that Deadspin exists. At any given time there’s about 5 or 6 quality sports writers in the whole country. The rest are just typical fans with access to a printing press, TV channel or website to amplify their inanity.

On the other hand, every moment that those asshole trolls spend engaging with dudes like Johnson and Hamill is a moment that they’re not harassing someone more vulnerable. They’re not gonna change, so I say keep ‘em occupied where they’re not doing any harm.

These are people who are totally unfamiliar with nuance. They think if they can kick the legs out of any one clause in any statement you’ve made even tangentially related to the topic at hand, then they’ve won the argument.

No, they’re not worth the time at all, but whatever time they waste on me is time they’re not spending on someone more vulnerable. I consider that a win.

And how many Oscars did Julia Louis-Dreyfus win for Seinfeld? Or for Veep? I mean, that kind of speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

Forget a movie, read up on Courtney Love’s mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and tell me there isn’t enough for a multi-season HBO series. There’s more than enough material for a five-generation, century-spanning tale of massively fascinating yet deeply flawed women. Frances Bean has quite the maternal lineage.

[The T.Rex sidles up to Ian Malcolm]

All excellent questions.

You’re still not engaging with my original rebuttal in any way, shape or form, which tells me you’re conceding the argument. I win, go cry to your fellow MRA losers.

When will we, in Donald Trump’s America (Great Again!), in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eighteen, come to grips with the fact that movies about Dingosaurs are Sinful, and that the Devil himself, the Father of 1,000 Lies, put those “fossils” into the ground to test our Faith, and that even a Glimpse of a

How about you show me statistics to disprove that men leave their families more often than women. Let’s start there. Show me that women are just as prone to that behavior as men.