
The tragicomic Long Island weirdos that own the Mets are the last holdouts in this not-so-proud tradition, and they have never missed an opportunity to carp about the players they pay.

If it’s somehow become classed among those terms it must have just happened within the last couple of years while I wasn’t looking.

Not all pejoratives are offensive. This one became so only recently.

You may well be right, but I’m not qualified to speak about Swedish culture, which is why I restrained my comments to the U.S. Maybe it’s endemic to our species, but I prefer to cling to the hope that there’s a culture or subculture out there somewhere on this planet where the vulnerable don’t have to live in fear.

Go back a couple years, it wasn’t offensive. But the term has been co-opted by some pretty terrible people and wielded in a way that kind of overwhelms the original meaning.

I don’t get people who get so mad about pop culture. Terminator 1 and 2 were landmarks of my youth, as were Alien and Aliens. I adored those universes. Then the sequels were big letdowns, which was disappointing. But this will happen to every IP out there. Whatever you love, if it doesn’t come to a natural end, will

How many Moceanus are there in the world, weighing speaking up against the likelihood that their lives will be ruined? How many of them will ever see justice?

Crazy idea: Get Angelina Jolie to direct it.

Why should I care if Jesus resists Satan’s temptation? We know he ends up crucified anyway! #Lame

If it’s any consolation, you were always dead to me, Doctuar. You were always dead to me.

Do we have to have this argument on every Avengers-related article?

Exceptionally mundane.

If a corporation is a person, and a brand can become a corporation, how long until a brand winds up suing the person the brand is based upon?

If you can will it, you can build it.™

And well they should! We can’t have Americans contemplating the idea that death is permanent! Imagine what that might do to the bottom line of Koch Industries or JPMorgan!

I’ve read like 30 thinkpieces on the movie since I saw it last week, and your one comment cut to the heart of what I was looking for better than any of the supposed professional writers. That just makes so much sense, that Thanos was made to feel empathy, maybe for the first time ever, and it didn’t stop him, but it

That’s an interesting point, because if he has the power to shape reality, that means he had the power to do what you describe. The fact that he chose not to shows he may not be as altruistic as he likes to see himself. Or maybe he’s one of those jerks who thinks pain is good for you.

Of course you would, you’re nobody and you have no money. Ashley Judd has all the money she’ll ever need, and taking just $1 would show that the suit was never about getting rich, it was about getting justice. Or she could take every dollar he has and give it all to a women’s rights charity or some such, that would

I’m sure James Toback or Charlie Rose or Matt Lauer will be there for him.

I don’t think Weinstein’s lawyers are going to want to see Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh testifying in open court about this. They have high credibility and no apparent reason to lie, and they’re 100% on Judd’s side as far as I can tell.