
Yeah, but The Walking Dead did that and everyone hated it. Leaving your fans in limbo for months wondering who died is not as cool as it sounds on paper.

Thor 4: The Voyage Dangit I Don’t Have a Home Anymore

I think they’re luddites and/or worried that they’ll be fooled by a Dobby character where there is no mocap behind the digital character.

Care to share?

Exactly. Strange needed Quill to lose his cool, it was part of the plan. Otherwise he would’ve removed him from the equation.

But you only used one space after each.

Piloted by Toonces the cat.

It’s not “inexplicable.” It may be inexcusable or intolerable, and I certainly feel that it’s unacceptable, but there is an explanation - Ike Perlmutter is a misogynist, sexist piece of trash, and Kevin Feige did not move nearly fast enough to clean up Perlmutter’s mess after wresting control of Marvel from him.

In the scene where they almost get the gauntlet off, a lot of it is shot from his POV, like they’re all these swarming pests overwhelming the hero.

Infinity War II: The Wrath of Stark

You’re totally right. These deaths aren’t about what those characters mean to us, they’re about what those characters mean to the survivors. Tony will have the worst case of survivor’s guilt ever recorded. How they rally will be their truest moments of heroism.

“By 2049, when the Vegas Knights (who dropped ‘Golden’ from their name after a decade) had won their 32nd consecutive Stanley Cup, the league was down to just four teams. Buffalo, of course, finished last again.”

Considering that Trout is Mickey Mantle 2.0, without the drinking and knee injury, I’d guess not.

If there was any chance of a 2026 North America World Cup, that ended it.

Right? Judge and Altuve, in every commercial. Everybody would love it.

WF bought my mortgage from the loan originator, and now I’m stuck dealing with them. They obviously believe in the concept of marketing first to one’s own customers, because I get more spam from them than all other companies combined. They even spam me with splash screens for all their terrible financial products

I don’t see that as a problem if they have anger-induced strokes and spare us their idiocy. But you’re right, they’re the descendants of the same twits who couldn’t tolerate Griffey Jr. wearing his hat backwards during batting practice.

This is the first player to come up in years where you can make a legitimate argument that he’s got “Mike Trout 2.0" potential. If he has a good rookie year, MLB needs to unleash a massive marketing campaign around him. He could do more to counter the image of baseball as archaic and boring than all pace-of-play

What’s the fourth biggest?

I don’t know about that, but if you say “I’m a doctor” out loud you get hired by the medical staff.