Very sad news for the Mariners.
I’m pretty sure the free speech bit was a direct riff on LeBron James and his China bullshit. Cartman even references the financial aspects like LeBron.
Lost in all of this is the fact that the Golden State Warriors once blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals, the championship series in American professional basketball.
On one hand, you have the Chinese government who wants the ability to extradite residents of Hong Kong with no oversight. The same Chinese government that regularly disappears people in it’s custody, and is running literal concentration camps for ethnic minorities and political dissidents.
Are we playing Mad Libs?
They don’t call them the Dodgers for nothing...
He must be rubbing off on teammates. I saw that someone has filed for the rights to the phrase “shoot her in the head”
We will not rest until we learn the truth about how Tyler came into possession of these narcotics
I get the parent’s grief. But blaming some locker room attendant for running out to score him some drugs and not Skagg’s himself is some next level denial. His death is indeed tragic and I wish he got some help, but it was his decision to make this fatal mistake. Jamming up some underling is bullshit.
Seems shortsighted to me. What’s he going to do without football? Other than his family, tens of millions of dollars, a Stanford education, and relative youth, football was all he had going for him.
“Told him he was bad at it” - Mrs. Hutchings.
If this poor guy didn’t have bad himself, he wouldn’t have any himself at all.
This continues to be one of the worst, most naive takes on Deadspin. Sometimes, you can’t operate on what you wish was true and you have to operate on what *is* true.
With apologies I bet that chafes her balls.
Splinter this morning: Asking about the FGM is nonsense.
I hope the treatment helps save his life, make him healthy again, and cure his addiction to driving.
Stow & Go
Just throwing this here. Might be useful.
First, it was the HOAs, and I didn’t care because I didn’t live in an HOA....