Delonte, Interrupted

Such a sad end to the romance isn't surprising, since Parker's been consistently shedding teardrop after teardrop out on the court for years.

@ScientificMapp: Exactly. I know people are judging me because I'm judging the fuck out of them.

Anyone else come full circle on the book-flaunting thing? I've actually purposely never read anything by Cormac McCarthy strictly because I live in Brooklyn off the L train, and I just don't want to be another douchebag reading Cormac McCarthy books on the L train in Brooklyn. I consciously hold books in public so

Few people are aware that La Roux is actually a duo.

@jwb123: Hey come on now, at least you've got the, I mean I heard Soundgarden got back together or something. Yeah. Good point. LeBron's contributions to building architecture and city planning will be tough to replace.

Are there no remaining Sonics fans to put Cleveland in its place?

But alas, the stupid fucking dinosaur wouldn't budge.

Asked for an explanation, the fan replied, "Boom! Boom! Acka-lacka-lacka boom!"

He may have gotten away with it had he not attempted his escape from authorities in a foot-propelled, solid stone car.

I can't wait until they get Harvey back on the air to tell the rest of the story. It's going to be a...good day.

Asian Games, stoppage time

That was just a spanking, wasn't it?

Anyone want to watch two old hacks wiggle their canes at each other?

"Fan Up, Miami" has a nice ring to it though. Nicer than the "Box Out, Bitch" sign LeBron taped to Bosh's locker after the last loss, anyway.

@EggoROYffle: Oh that just makes it all the more delicious. I'm a Mets fan, so if I had to watch Jeff fucking Francoeur play in a World Series while Reyes and Wright still haven't, I'll enjoy some mild satisfaction seeing Burrell get another ring on sheer dumb luck.