
Product placement?

Ideas evolve. Even the original piped piper idea was just meant to be a music player.

"The new internet", can also be something like a VR or Augmented Reality based 'internet'. As a new way of connecting and experiencing information. I believe this is the direction they are heading since the season promo showed Richard demoing a prototype that looked like VR glasses.

Take away the overly crude, look-at-me-i-think-iam-pretty schtick she uses as a crutch, and she is just another hypocritical thin skinned pseudo Social Justice Warrior.

The real one…

"TJ and Thomas were pretty much unknown when they were cast in this show…."

1: I didn't say anything about "..casting a hot actor", that's all in your head.

Big Head would definitely have messed it up for them. Do remember that he can at times have flashes of genius, like when he slipped Richard the Hooli proto-type with nucleus.

I was being facetious. But it is true though, socially most people will generally not consider such an action by a female boss to be sexual harassment while if a man did it to a man or woman flags

I doubt it was a demotion, he simply stripped him of his huge office to humiliate him. Like the way Gavin feels he was humiliated on the plane.

Would you rather Amy Schumer or Sarah Silverman take her place? yep, it could be worse.

Skype was not run out of the basement of a house. But had distributed servers all over. Since it uses the concept of super nodes for each region. It still had to scale as usage grew.

While Gavin Belson is the "Chief Innovation Officer" and co-founder of Hooli, he isn't the C.E.O.
Both are independently wealthy and "friends" in the 3-comma club, Barker has a history of taking tech companies public and making a fortune. Unlike most of Gavin's employees, Jack is basically on the same level as he is.

Sometimes a spoon is just a spoon, and not a tiny spade. So don't imagine political commentary where it doesn't exist.

I guess since it was her boss, Laurie who is a woman? that moved her. It doesn't count as sexual harassment.

1) This is a Fictional TV show. Designed mostly for entertainment.

I don't comprehend your question.

Given how easily and frequently people get killed..I think you are over estimating her importance.

He was not dedicated any more than a prisoner is dedicated to his jailer.

That title doesn't quite fit in the way you used it, since Ronin usually were originally loyal to and deeply devoted to their lords or master before they passed on. A samurai was supposed to commit seppuku after losing their master and were labelled with the undesirable rōnin status as a mark of shame and