
Gavin's paranoia was justified

I do agree with you to a large degree. Though I do have to say that Schmidt wasn't fully in charge at Google, any decision of consequence had to go through Larry and Sergei. The Google board had insisted on someone being hired who was a mature exec.…

I think you give Schmidt way more credit than is due, without Larry Page and Sergei being Co-Ceo's with veto power over him, Google now Alphabet, would at best have been another run of the mill large bland software company like Oracle. Schmidt was just the 'adult supervision'. While he is indeed a solid engineer.

The comedian that plays Jian Yiang (Jimmy O. Yang) basically has this as the corner stone of his stand-up comedy routine. So I doubt he has any problems with it. Also he apparently is involved in creating the dialogue for his character.…

Tres commas, mia amigo…tres commas

True, and he would not be out to exclusively screw him over. The way Gavin would. But if one can put up with his incredibly offensive but hilarious behaviour…why not.

While I do agree with you that TMC is one such failure. I think you missed my point entirely.

Thanks. Pickup my upcoming book "The Cat in the Hood: A practical guide to casual Bigotry" where books are available. ;)

Interesting points..I still think the way ahead would be to play on Gavin's ego while keeping an eye out for his vindictiveness. He would certainly fund Richard if it were in his interest to overwhelmingly benefit. While Russ despite being insufferable doesn't have the vindictive pettiness.

What a tiny gem..that was ;)

It wasn't Brian Fong who patented it, he told Jared that one of the team got the patent and since Hooli had 3 founders (Peter, Brian and Gavin). It's obviously a classic a*hole Gavin move. Also he is the only possible option seeing that neither Peter nor Brian own the patent.

He is the kind of victim she seeks out. Any well adjusted person would sense the crazy about her and head for the hills. But I guess the more people she consumes the more irresistibly alluring and powerful she becomes.

There was an amazing company in the 70's to 80's that made lisp machines called Symbolics. It was founded, run and staffed by some of the most brilliant AI and CS professors, engineers and hardcore hackers from MIT.

By innovative, I mean he comes up with solutions to problems that work, not in the "Next big thing" kind of way.

I don't know about that, though square, he is effective, pragmatic and innovative. I think he has more in common with someone like Google's Eric Schmidt than say Microsoft's Steve Ballmer.

Now that would be a sight to behold. Gavin would be goaded into investing with a view to getting revenge on his enemies at Hooli (planning to screw over Richard later), while Russ would clue Richard in on Gavin's antics.

There is NO way Gavin is better than Russ. Russ is open minded and understanding though infinitely vulgar. Gavin's pettiness, "scrooginess" and vindictiveness knows no bounds, I don't think he has it in him to not pursue a grudge, imagined or otherwise to its very end.

You have to give him credit though, he did warn Gavin about the expense but Gavin in his own mind found a way to claim it was Jack costing the share holders money. Denpak would never stick his own neck out like that.

True, I was looking for such a comment. Of the two sycophants, Hoover is the one that actually earns his keep.