
But is it more offensive to assume transgender people lack any sense of humor about their lives at all?

This article was not about Emma Stone. If it was about Emma Stone, then I would agree. When is the one about Emma Stone posting?

I'm from the south so I know how devastating it is getting the clap from cousins.

Because a pitcher wore a t-shirt to a press conference 2 1/2 years ago?

So. Much. Salt.

Pant O’Mime was going to attend White Sox camp to appear at White Sox camp today, but Kenny Williams barred his son, Sweetchild O’Mime from the facilities. The younger O’Mime, with a tear in his eye, looked to his father and mouthed the words “Where do we go now?”

So if I’m understanding this correctly:

Someday this kid’s children will say “Christ Dad! Enough with the damn hole in 1 story”.

That's at least a 7.2. Not sure what the 40 time was.

Lynch has saved his money wisely. As you can see in the video, he gets around using an old Escort.

Yeah, I really doubt the survey sample is indicative of the average man. It was more likely geared toward fashion focused men, who are a minority anyway.

Luckily, Olsen’s wife will never see this.


A deeply mediocre team quarterbacked by Nick Foles isn’t exactly a big draw for the citizens of Los Angeles

Yeah, but we’re still World Series Champions, so fuck off Fox.

“I’m not sexist, but...”
“I’m not racist, but...”
“I don’t mean to be rude, but...”
“Ohmygod Becky look at her, but...”

At least it settles the debate.

This is perfect for me because I can only get off on my own smug sense of superiority.

This is Adequate Man, not I Spent $500 On Snow Tires And Probably Also Didn't Use Underwear As A Washcloth This Morning Man.