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I hope they played this song while showing it on the jumbotron

I’m a little hungover this morning. This helps

Yeah right, why aren’t they throwing explosives on the field, chanting racial slurs, or beating up refs? Come on guys you’re making us look bad.

Mel Gibson is the Curt Schilling of Hollywood

I’ll enjoy Taboo while I can, because I’m sure I will change my mind about it after Tom Hardy gets around to fucking his sister.

Santa’s gifts have no tag, the recipient is written in marker, you heathens 

mostly to defend ourselves from their direwolves

Ugh same. Like out of 100 there was only 2 who noticed how awkward it was. They just live in this fantasy world.

When asked about what his team mates think

So, I don’t know if this has been brought up, but why are so many dealership owners named Dick?

Johnny Depp is worth 400 mil dollars. He could not make a single cent more from royalties or more movies and still spend $2 mil a month til he dies. This isn’t that interesting

Schilling - Huff 2024!

How come this isn’t a “Would You...” column

The SNES and the Genesis were two different versions apparently. And yeah the Genesis one could barely be called a movie tie in. It only had 6 levels and 2 of them or something like that were related to the movie

How I feel after watching 45 secs of the video

I can eat a whole box of cheez-its without realizing it. You’re ranking is disgraceful

Also in unconfirmed reports but just another gut punch to this story, apparently he was looted and left to die after the crash

So now there saying its a false flag in a false flag?